hey guys, eric from gemini. if you find you’re experiencing poor audio performancewith your android device, stay tuned. we’ve developed an easy workaroundfor this android base issue. alright guys, the fix is reallyeasy to do. but it is extremely important to follow these stepsin the exact order presented in this video.
Android TV developer options, if you have any questions, you can alwaysreach out to me. ready? let’s go! alright guys, first let’s enabledeveloper mode. to do this, we'll open up settings, scroll down untilwe find about phone or tablet. let’s tap on that. now, scroll to find the build number.tap it seven times.
this will enable developer mode. we can confirm this is enabledby going back to settings and verifying there’s a new menuoption called developer options. let’s tap on that and scroll down until we see an optioncalled prevent or disable usb audio routing. turn this option on and exit settings. alright guys, as usual,let's first power on our unit. and make sure all the volume knobsand faders are set to the middle. you can adjust them later,once we get the jams pumping. finally, confirm the switch next to the usbport is switched to android.
alright guys, next we’ll connect the on the go pinkcable from the usb port to our android device. now let’s connect the gemini splitter cablefrom your device to the aux input on the unit. we can also use headphones by connecting a pairto the female end of the gemini splitter cable. now we’re ready to set up the cross dj app.open up the cross dj app. tap the gear icon to open up cross dj settings,and tap on advanced settings. under audio output mode, tap on split.
and make sure the check box next toinvert master and cue outputs is checked. now tap the back button twice,pull up a track and we’re ready to rock. if you didn’t get a gemini splitter cable, reach out to meby phone or email and i’ll send you one for free.
this is eric and i’m signing off.