how to screen mirroring via usb orwirelessly using only free or paid software one of the new features of android fivepoints 0 in later is the possibility to mirror the screen of any device on hisoperating system the first free option in this video is mera beta with outkastcombined with google chrome go to google
Android TV direcTV now App, play store download and install merabeta and your mobile device now in your smartphone or tablet go tosettings developer options and enable usb debugging now from chrome google web store installand launch all cast receiver through the
chrome app launcher then start mirrorbid on your android phone and choose the network device that matches yourcomputer being chrome followed by the computer ip address on your screen willbe wirelessly mirrored on your computer this is an easy and free way to shareyour android screen wirelessly supporting other devices on the samenetwork including fire tv apple tv and a few more the only disadvantages in merabeta is that you cannot interact with your screen through your computer meaning no typing with your computer'skeyboard on your phone and that annoying mirror floating watermark is going tostay and there is no way to remove it
other than that it's free and easy toset up but we have other options as well for mac another free option is droid atscreen to learn how to setup droid its green watch this video for trial or paidversions you got a lot to choose from 120 you can watch this video on how toset up another one is a droid with their droid also with screen mirroring youhave other very useful features install in an open-air droid receiver to yourcomputer and then install the app centre to your mobile device on the air droidcenter at a new user type your email address and a passwordand when connected you should see a warning in your computer go to weardroid and click to open their droid
mirroring and selected device alreadyregistered their droid supports a variety of devices but for those whocan't mirror your phone must be rooted another option you got to wirelessmirroring is with reflector reflector is the first and only google cast receiverthat receives cast enabled android phones and tablets at the same time asiphone and ipad apps you can try reflector for free is compatible withwindows mac android ios and fire tv a complete solution for those who wantsquality in wireless mirroring with great options and features with reflector youjust need a local network connection between devices for airplay or forgoogle cast mirroring after you install
reflector in your mac or windows machineand appear using iphone or ipad go to settings airplay and enable mirroring onandroid go to settings display cast screen and enable wireless display most android devices support google castnatively but for those don't have this feature can still mirror in the additionof the free google chrome cast application enables android screenmirroring on most phones and tablets as the quick review i have to say that thisis a great screen mirroring application reflector is the wireless mirroring andstreaming receiver that allows you to connect almost any combination ofdevices to your computer at the same
time but if you need to interact withyour mobile device with your mouse or keyboard you have a free option screenmirroring with usp this is the simplest way to share your android screen ontoyour pc or mac screen what you need is google chrome web browser and an appcalled visitor from chrome google web store download and install visit to yourpc or mac computer and open visitor and plug your device then you just need tochoose your device and your phone or tablet should connect if not go todeveloper options disable and enable android debuggingagain and then you should get connection an advantage with this kind of solutionsis that you can interact with your mouse
and keyboard meaning you can open anyapp you want and type in also there are plenty of apps that don't have a webclient so this is a great way to use your physical keyboard for the apps inyour phone you don't need anything installed in your android phone it workson windows linux or mac user can still be a slightly lag but as opposed toother wireless solutions is a little bit

faster and this was nearing your device screenwith the help of a few applications if you find this video helpful give us a like share and subscribe seeyou in the next video