Android TV diy

sup everybody! welcome to my arduino homeintegration tutorial using an android based ecosystem. alright, so basically in this tutoriali am going to walk you through a small project i recently completed. so the purpose of thisproject, what is the purpose? well... if you are someone like me, you'd probably have abillion remote controls that you use for your television, your satellite box, your audiosystem, your ac, blah blah blah blah... you

Android TV diy, get that and every time you to turn on thefan or light or television, it actually involves you excreting yourself from inertia, basically,take a walk. in the age of smartphones, don't you think this is highly unacceptable?! soin this tutorial, i will show you how i controlled everything with my nexus 7. oh yea, and beforei forget, i also used an app called blue-term

from the android market to actually pair withthe btbee module, alright, so lets move on... the micro-controller board is the induinoxboard which is a clone of the arduino uno with a lot of extra features. take note ofthe pins that will be used in this project, mainly pin 16, 17 and 18. also note the tsopreceiver as well as the ir transmitter right there. alright, to enable bluetooth serialcommunication, i used the btbee module on a xigbee shield. so that is the btbee moduleand that is the xigbee shield. that is the relay which i used to control the lights,fans as well as the tv. in order to gain complete control of the tv, air conditioning, soundsystem and set-top box. i need to observe and reproduce ir signals from their respectiveremote controls. so that i can control them

remotely through this micro-controller board.that's why i needed the use of this ir led. finally it was placed in a wooden box whichwas a good enclosure and it provided a good means to cover this up since i wouldn't wantthese led s in my face during the night. the green lines basically lead to the loads andthe blue lines are the phase wires which provide the phase current to the load. this photowas taken before the completion of the wiring to the tv. the tv was wired to that particularrelay right there. alright, lets take a look at the sketch. so initially the differentpin modes were setup to output so we can easily understand whats happening right here. 15,16, 17 and 18 are set as the output parameters. then in void loop() we can see that the loopis initially set to accept a serial variable

which arrives from the btbee module and anascii value enters such as 'a' which is 65. in case a does enter and this goes 0, it turnspin 15 high. in the physical terms that would just mean turning on the light and similarlyif a isnt equal to 0, simply turn off the light. the same thing was done to the fan,another fan as well as the television. so before i go into explaining what modes are(scenes), i'd like to explain that having too many ascii values could just jumble everythingup and that's not exactly what most people are looking for. so take an example from thistv mode, basically what happens right here is, it initially turns on the tv, then itturns on the light, it sets the audio system and then it basically selects the right avmode, right there and it presses ok, the center

button, after which it selects the favoritecategory from my remote, which has a list of all my favorite channels and then it cyclesthrough all 13 of my favorite channels with a delay of 3.5 seconds which is just enoughtime for me to look at what program is playing, so in case i do find something great, iwould just select that manually and these are a couple of other modes that is the ac powermode which would just toggle the ac switching it on or off, well that's about it. lets seeall this in action then. these are the four remotes i programmed into the induino. andthis is the nexus 7 and that's the app, blueterm and i am sending the ascii value 'a' rightnow, which controls the light as you can see. i've also left the sketch (its on github)in the description box, be sure to check that

out as well. ascii values can also be sentusing google voice. alright, credit needs to be given to simple labs who are the creatorsof the induino. whenever i did get stuck, they always helped me out whenever i asked.check them out, i'll provide links in the description down below. and i know i haven'ttalked about the ir functions too much in

Android TV diy

detail but then the video would just go onand on... kudos to the people at ken shirriff's blog who made recording existing or raw protocolsreally easy and thank you for watching this video! don't forget to like (subscribe) andcomment below, in case you want future tutorials! thank you once again and... see you later!

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