Android TV japanese channels

hello, nerd in need of a haircut here. now i really love anime and i'm sure quitea few of you guys do too, so today i'm going to be showing you four great applications that youcan use to stream anime on your android device. now apple users, don't feel too left out becuasei will putting up another video dealing with ios applications, but for now, let's go takea look.

Android TV japanese channels, 1. funimation. funimation is a really nicelybuilt app with both phone and tablet uis, so it'll look good no matter which form factoryou're using it on. it's got quite a huge catalogue of series to watch and many of themhave both subtitled and dubbed versions available, so whichever you happen to prefer, you'llbe happy. while the episodes aren't streamed in

hd, the quality is more than watchable.there's a "my shows" page for keeping track of which series you're following and the appalso has twitter and facebook integration, just to make sure all of your friends arekept up to date on what hentai you've been following only problems with funimation are that it costs $10 on the google play store, whichis more than a little pricey and it will only work if you're in the us or on a us vpn, sothat might be a bit of a deal-breaker for some people. 2. cunchyroll. cunchyroll is definitely afavorite of mine. it's free, it works outside the us and while its selection of anime overallis not quite a large as funimation, crunchyroll

definitely has a much larger selection ofcurrently-airing series. the ui is quite simple but has a lovely orange and white color schemethat works very well. you can sort series based on popularity, recently updated, genreand season, but strangely there's no search function in there yet.the downsides to crunchyroll are that streaming is ad-supported and there's a one-week delaybefore newly aired episodes become available to free users. you can get around that bypaying eur5 per month, which will also allow you stream in full hd from the crunchyrollsite and watch new episodes an hour after they air in japan with subtitles, both ofwhich are really nice. 3. it's not exactly the prettiest,

fastest or smoothest application here, does have quite a large selection of content in good quality with many lesser-knownseries here that you won't find on crunchyroll or funimation. ui-wise, it's more than a littleclunky and it has crashed on me a few times while browsing, but it's a free applicationthat gives you access to lots and lots of anime, so definitely worth having. 4. animania. in my opinion, right now,animaniais the best anime steaming app available for the android platform. it's free, has an absolutelyvast collection of over 1,800 series to choose from and is constantly being updated withnew episodes of currently-airing series. you're pretty unlikely ever come across an animeit doesn't have. in terms of ui, it might

look simplistic but it offers plenty of functionality.there's a "watchlist" tab that you can add shows to in order to keep track of what you'refollowing and you can flag episodes as "watched" so that you know exactly where you left offin a series. finally, unlike any of the other applications i've shown you, animania actuallylets you download episodes to watch later, which is what that "downloads" tab is for.

Android TV japanese channels

and there you have it, four great applicationsfor streaming anime to your android device. if you think i've overlooked an app, feelfree to let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video, be sure to hitthe like button to show your support. until next time, live long & prosper and el psycongroo.

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