Android xbox one controller

many beats owners are bummed that they can'tuse their headphones for voice chat on xbox one. i was also one of those that couldn't chatusing my beats solo 2's. i've googled solutions and watched many videoabout this but none of the solutions i found worked.

Android xbox one controller, so what could be the problem? the 3.5mm cord has the correct trrs 4 sectionplug with a built-in microphone but it definitely doesn't work for voice chat on the xbox. however, i devised a solution.

keep watching and i'll show you how i cannow do voice chat with beats headphones! you'll need the 2nd generation xbox controllerwith a built-in 3.5mm port. what you'll need is this startech trrs adapterand a clip on microphone. both are very inexpensive. the microphone has a standard 3.5mm plug onit and i got these in a 5-pack. the startech adapter is absolutely necessaryfor this to work. this adapter splits the single port on thexbox controller into separate headphone and microphone jacks. you can see it clearly indicated on the ends.

simply plug the adapter into the controllerand then plug the microphone into the port with the microphone symbol on it. now take the beats headphone cable and plugit into the port with the headphone symbol. connect the cord to the headphones and we'realmost ready to go! attach the microphone just below the built-inmic on the beats cable. this will be the perfect position for capturingyour voice on the xbox. now l'll show you that this actually works. in the menu, you'll see that the headset indicatoris showing and when i talk, the circle lights up around my gamer image indicating audiois being received.

this solution works perfectly so let me showyou how much i spent on this set up. the startech adapter was $6.50 and a 5 packof microphones was $7. that's all that's needed unless you have a1st generation xbox controller in which case you'll need a headset adapter that costs $25which is not worth it in my opinion. instead, i just bought a 2nd generation controller. so, this solution isn't perfect and you endup with an extra wire hanging from the beats

Android xbox one controller

headphones but it's almost unnoticeable. please let me know in the comments if youuse this solution. if you enjoyed this video, please give mea thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe

to my channel for more how to videos and productreviews.

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