hi, and welcome to this tutorial on how toinstall a custom rom on your android device. the pre-requisite for this procedure is tohave your android phone rooted. if you havent yet rooted your android phone,stay tuned to my channel, i'll be up with a video of how to root your android devicesoon. in this video i'll be giving step by stepinstructions how to install a custom rom on
Android xda, to your android device. so first and foremost, we gotta go to thewebsite xda-developers.com this is the place where we''ll find all thefiles related to our phone be it your custom rom, the apps or the troubleshooting filesrelated to our phone.
for today's tutorial i am using the samsunggalaxy s duos and the l touch custom rom, here we type in the search bar "samssung galaxys duos l touch custom rom" we find the custom rom right here, we click on it to find a descriptionby the developer and below it is the link to the main download file. and below which we find a few instructionsabout how to install the custom rom; below it are the links to two bug fix files whichare very important if you are installing a custom rom on a different device, be carefulto find the bug fix files if any. if you are installing the l touch custom romon to your samsung galaxy s duos, you need not go through all this hassle.
just go down to the description and you'llfind the three links there. you are suppose to download thse three filesand save it in a folder either in your internal or external storage. now we get to the stuff that we need to doon the phone, you already know that we have downloaded the files that we require for thel touch custom rom to be installed on your samsung galaxxy s duos. so for that , first we turn off our phone. i've actually installed the cyanogen mod,the l touch custom rom already, i'm just going to demonstrate how to do it on your phone.
to get into the recovery mode, that is thefirst step you need to do to flash the custom rom, first you press the volume up button,the volume down button, the home button and the power button together. yeah, this is the screen that you'll be greetedwith once you are in the recovery mode. first of all we do not wanna mess up withanything once we are installing the custom rom, so we take a backup of the previouslyexisting rom on our phone so, we go to the backup and restore option. this takes some while, i'll be back once itis done. after the backup, you'll see a screen likethis.
here we have two ways to continue, one isthe thing which requires you to wipe all the data on your phone, the other one keeps allyour apps and data intact while it installs a patch of the custom rom into your phone,the best one is to install the wipe data custom rom because they are seen to be more stableso, first we go to wipe data factory reset and we go to the yes option. this takes some while so, i'll be back onceit's done. now we are done with wiping the data on ourphone. we have a few more stuff that we need to wipeout of our phone that's wipe data of the cache as in now we are going to wipe the cache partitionnow go down to 'yes'. it's pretty quick.
we're done with that almost. now go to advanced, click ok, now go to cleardalvik cache thats wipe dalvik cache and go to 'yes' option, now we go to wipe the batterystats, click 'yes' in this menu. all of these are pretty quick, now we getback to recovery and restore aka, reboot and recovery option,thereis nothing in the phone to reboot for it so, it comes back to the same screen. now go to install our zip file from the sdcard, i have stored my zip file on the external sd card so, i choose that option, i go downto the s duos folder in which i have stored it.
i have two custom roms but now i am gonigto show you the l touch custom rom, now we're going to flash to custom rom into this thing,it is gonna take some while, so i am coming back in some time. we are done installing the main file for thecustom rom that's the l touch.zip but there are two more files in the same folder, i havementioned them down in the description links. we gotta install them in the same way thatthe installed the l touch.zip so, just go and click 'yes',these are pretty quick. yeah, we have to install the last one, that'sthe bug fix.zip in the same file path, now we are good to go!
we need to just reboot and power up our phone. this is what you should ideally see if youhave done the procedure right. this takes a pretty long time, so i'll beback once it's done, typical screen once you boot up your phone. now let's quickly go through the stuff. next, next....... now it is asking you to sign in to some wi-fiand log into your google account. i'll catch you on the other side. hey guys now, i am back with the review ofthe l touch custom rom i've been using this
from 20 odd days to give you and indepth ofhow this is working. now, i say that this is a really stable thatthis is really fast and far better than the custom ui that you got with the phone. it's fast because it frees up all of yourmemory space and your ram space. this is the default nova launcher you getwith the custom rom, now in the apps screen, we see that i have installed a lot of appsand i still have lot more space to install even more apps. so, finally i say that this is a really flawlessand a stable custom rom. hope you people understood how to flash acustom rom on your android device.
if you have any queries, please post themin the comments section.
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