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hi! this is "a minute of overpass". my name is eric, and i make apps. now, this week i wanna talk about "fake reviews". okay, so this week i wanna talk about fake reviews. now, if you see a lot of the videos i've done over the past few years,and you look at the comments, occasionally, you'll see people postingtheir... posting links to websites "we can

Android App store, go and buy fake reviews for google playor for itunes", and apparently there's big server farms out there where people with,you know, hundreds of devices and they can go through and hundreds of accountsand they could go through and give you hundreds of reviews for like, i don't know, hundreds ofdollars. i am not quite sure how much, how

much it costs, but so i tried to remove those links from the comments as much as i can. i think they're really pretty sleazy. they're pretty spammy. you know, there's no way, well given the subtleties of which they approached that link and "click hereto buy 500 fake reviews!" makes me think there's no way that you would leave fake reviews suddenly anyway. why would i even do that? why would i give you mymoney?, but anyway, i just kinda wanna talk about this, this week. so, if ishow you my my google play page here for ear spy which is my biggest app. it's the one that i have the least problems with. you can see that we get a fairamount of ratings every day. we get about

between 30 and 40, nearby enlargeeach week. i think that's what helps it in the rankings. that's why it comes up, you know,so prominently when you type on certain key words, which is good. if i show you here, you can see that over the past 3 years, we've had 28,873 reviews...or ratings rather, and then only 6,879 people left a review,because you know, it's hard to leave a review. so, and one of the things i've spokenabout and pass videos is how we've tried to encourage more reviews by thepop up, and we... you know, we all hate that pop up. every app you use, it comes up "hey, do you like our app?, would you please leave a review?". and if you click no, it goes toyou know, email or something, and if you

click yes then it takes you to the play page or itunes and we've done the similar thing. however, we try to be a bit more playfulwith it, where we had a little girl saying "please would you leave a review?". however, a few years ago, i was in this group with other app developers and we were talking about and this came up, one of the guys whowas kinda just going over to the dark side, i guess you could say, it was. you know,we've tried everything, it just wasn't doing it, and he said, you know, i just hired this company, they're gonna do some fake reviews for me, and yeah they must tellme all the way, they cover their tracks and how they can make it look anydifferent app markets and all this stuff,

or you know, there's a couple inthis country, a couple in that country and all this kind of stuff and... and i toldhim straight out i said "hey man! don't do that, that's wrong!". alright, i didn't say that. i wish i'dsaid that, but what i actually said was "oh let me know if that works". you know,'cause we're all kind of trying to think of ways to get our apps up there, and as much as i like to say i was above it, at that time i was thinking. yeah, you know, if it's.....if the playing field is unlevel then i'll play on the unlevel playingfield. however, i didn't do it. i'm really glad i didn't, 'cause they're alwayscracking down on this kind of stuff. i mean,

if there's one way to get your accountbanned, and to lose everything is to get caught doing something like that. so..soi'm glad i've never done that. now, this guy, basically he pay for reviews. he gotthe reviews, but never really saw any benefit from it, and i don't.. haven't spoken to him recently, so i don't know if he's... you know, if that's caught up with them, but ido know that google is cracking down on it all the time. so anyway, i apologizefor all the people leaving those those links to fake reviews sites andeverything on the comment, and i just wanna say, when it comes to fakereviews, i've never done it. i would say never do it, but i know what atemptation it is. you know, it's when

you're trying to get people to review your app,you know, when i showed you this ear spy here, where it's 30 to 40 each day, i can show you others where it's like 1 every 2 weeks and it's like when you get that..."oh, somebody left a review for a mandarin flash quiz!" yey! which is just as common, and on itunes it's much more rare i mean, i get far more reviews on googleplay than i do on..on itunes, but yeah fake reviews...what can you say? don't doit, and you know, " don't go to the dark side". that's it for this week. i'll talkto you next week. hey! i really hope you like that, i do this once a week, so if you if you wanna hear more, or you wanna hear more about our experiences with the app

store, either google play or itunes, please go ahead and subscribe to the channel and please like this video and leave acomment. i love reading the comments. i love hearing what you have to say. evenif it's just hello or...or whatever and like i say before, if you... if you're notsure what to say in a comment, like i never know what to say in a comment, i'llmake it easier for you, like if you like it, just go ahead and say "gnarley" which is an 80's term, or if you didn't like it just say "bogus", and and if you don'tthink any of it just say "eh", so that would be a big big big help, and another thingyou could do, which i'd really appreciate it, if you're on the app store and youwanna try one of our apps, look up some

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of the overpass apps. applications eitheron itunes or google play, and leave a review and let us know what you thinkabout it, either good or bad, but you know we're all trying to build up in themarket so, so that would be a big help. so that's it. i'll talk to you next week

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