hey, what's up guys? enin from u droid maniawith 25 reasons why we like android. stick around to check out these top apps. first up, we have #squaredroid. if you wondered how people get those full, uncropped photoson instagram? well, this app lets you do it a few easy steps. after you've taken yourphoto as usual, go ahead and launch the app. you'll be presented with a screen where youcan pick the photo and choose your background.
Android kindle App, i chose the gradient. you can configure that,but for this, i'm just going to leave it as is. you've got the option to share the imagein other places, but i'm choosing instagram here. i always choose the highest qualityphoto, guys. once the image is finished uploading, it's going to open up the instagram app. thenfrom there, you can post the photo as normal.
i try not to get caught up in any of the filtersor the other fancy stuff that instagram has in there. i just go ahead and post the photo.next up, we have agent. this handy application lets you set triggers based on criteria thatyou control. for example, when your battery hits 10%, savings kick-in. under sleep, youset who and what can wake you during the night. under parking, if you travel quite a bit,tell your phone to remember where you parked. your phone is automatically silenced in meetingsbased on your calendar. under drive, when your phone detects motion, you can have textmessages automatically read to you or sent to your contacts. now 3rd, we have kindle becausei love to read. i can do it as much as i want, whenever i can. for me, kindle is my go toapp. i love the digital experience as well
as the fact that i can carry my personal librarywith me at all times when i'm on the go. if you're a prime member like me, then your investedin amazon's ecosystem, and having the kindle app is a must to take advantage of your freeperks. when you're reading books, you fully become immersed in the books as it takes overthe screen. now that i have such a large phone, the reading experience is just perfect forme and i can do it for hours at a time. i have to admit, i like the fact that amazonkind of knows the things that i like to read and they make relevant recommendations basedon my purchasing habits. my next great read is just a tap away. at number 4, there's blurone.now i have already done a full review on this app, and of course it makes the list for me.i like changing up the wallpapers on my phone.
blurone lets me add that affect to any photoi choose. i'll leave the link down below for you guys to check out the full review on this,but essentially all you need to do is locate the photo that you want to blur. once youfind the photo, then you can go ahead and crop it. we'll just go ahead and crop downhere, and then set the amount of blur that you want to have. finally, you can choosethe ok button to apply it immediately, or to save it, click on the save icon. this allhappens in real-time, it's pretty fast. it's very simple guys. so go ahead and give ita try. next up, there's circa. this is a news aggregator that you may not have heard of,but it brings what's trending and hot news straight to your phone so that you can stayabreast of what's happening. it's easy to
use, so i won't spend a lot of time explaininghow this works guys, but i do like the interface here and i think that it's worth taking a lookat. when you find an article that interests you, go ahead an click on it. if you don'thave a lot of time to actually read it at the point, i've got another great app foryou. it's called pocket. pocket allows you to save the articles for reading at a latertime and doesn't matter whether or not you have wifi, or whether you've got your dataon at that point. once you've actually saved the article to your device, it's there forreading for later. just go ahead and launch the pocket app, and you can see, everythingthat you've saved is in your folder. i think this is a nice handy app guys. especiallyif you do a lot of train travel or go places
where there's just not good signals. next,we've got clean master. now this app has been around for awhile. the functionality is prettygood here, guys. there's a lot to it, so i'm not going to spend a lot of time on it, buti do want to say i really like the clean master widget there. at number 8 we've got cloudmagic.if you're looking for one place where you can get all of your email, this is the appfor you, guys. simply log into your accounts and have at it. now getting everything inone place just got easier. this next app is one of my favorites. it's called don't pause.it does just that! when you're listening to your favorite songs, how many times have yougotten an email or a notification pops up on your phone, and then the music pauses?well, no more with this app. just start don't
pause when you start your music, and you won'thave to worry. at number 10, we have drippler. this news aggregator is just for techies likeus, pretty much. it' full of tips and goodies. if you want to know more about your specificphone, or android devices in general, then drippler is for you. just install it on yourphone to stay up-to-date with what's happening with your phone and more. i have to say, inrecent days, it's become my go to app, guys. i like the fact that new articles are addedall the time, plus it combs the web for me so i don't have to go out and search for itmyself. now this next app, guys may not be for everyone, especially with the languagehere, but i like it. i just wanted to warn you guys of that first. it's called get sh*tdone. the app is meant to motivate you to
get your tasks done on time. if you have somethingimportant to get done, then don't put it off. like now, i need to get this video done sothat you guys can watch it and we can chat about it. i'll go ahead and enter my itemshere and follow the prompts. i'll get a laugh or two out of it, and then i'll go ahead andget started. like it suggests here, i'll go ahead and break things down into tasks sothat i can actually get them done in smaller chunks. so first i have to write my script.next up, i'll do some keywords, and guys, i'm not going to give you all my secrets,here but you get the idea. i'll go ahead and click on bring the thunder. you can see herethat it tell me that there are going to be some consequences if i don't get it done,but there's going to be a nice reward, so
i'll go ahead an play along. of course, i'mtrying to grow the channel, so 1000 subscribers would be nice! so go ahead guys, hit thatlike button, and subscribe now. thanks for that in advance. now let's do this! you canset just how aggressive you want the app to be. there's a couple of different optionshere. you can take breaks, or no break. you can just work straight through it. once thattimer starts guys, that's when the fun begins. it's time to get it done. because guess what?there's no back here. just when you thought you could slack off a little bit, the motivationkeeps coming. at number 12, we've got holo bulb here guys. this is a minimal flashlightapplication that gives you light with one tap. no more fumbling, looking for the flashlightwhen you need it. just tap the button, on
goes the light, and it's all good. next up,we have if this, then, that. what i like about this application is that you can set rulesbased on specific criteria. i don't know about you guys, but in my house my wife usuallydoes most of the shopping here for us. with this app, it lets me setup a handy rule thatsays, if i'm near the grocery store, that's near my house, and i want to let my wife know,i can have that as a rule. it says, go ahead a send her a text to see she needs anything.guys, that's extra brownie points, so you might want to get this app and setup a rulelike that for yourself. next, we have isyncr. this app is actually great for anybody that'scoming over android from an apple device. it allows you to easily transfer files fromyour itunes via wifi to your android phone.
now how cool is that? it's really easy todo and it's very fast. just download the desktop app and install that on your computer. installthe app on your phone, open it and search for your computer via wifi. once you findit, you hit the sync, and then select the files that you want to sync. when you're done,just make sure that you check your music app, guys to see that everything that you are lookingfor is actually there. if your tired of your stock alarm clock, you guys can try out lifetime alarm clock. it's a handy, highly configurable alarm clock that allows freedom to changeit up. you can setup a nice gentle wake-up alarm, which is what i've done here. if youhave trouble getting up from sleep guys, there's a solution for that. just download this appto find out how it can help you wake. yes,
i know i'm covering these apps pretty fast,but if you've got questions or you'd like to know more about any of the things i'm showingyou guys here, just hit me up in the comments below letting me know, and i'll be happy togo further in detail in the next video. ok, the fun just doesn't stop there, guys. likei said, this app is highly configurable. you can go ahead and setup and change things toyour liking the way that you like them. if you need to be challenged in the morning tomake sure that you actually get up and get out of bed, this is one way that you can doit. you can set the alarm so that when it goes off, you have to answer a challenge question.at number 16, we've got link bubble. i found this handy app. it allows you to save timeby opening links in the background while your
using your phone. all you need to do is simplyclick on a link, and then continue doing whatever is that you were doing. you will notice alittle bubble that appears off to the side. when the link fully loads, you can tap onthe bubble and it will actually open up the webpage for you. i think that's pretty cool,guys. when you're done, you throw it away, it's that simple. at number 17, we have netflix.for me guys, it's not a top 25 unless i have a video app in there. this is one of my favoriteapps to stream movies. whenever i'm binge watching, i head on over because i can alwaysfind something to watch. the number of movies and t.v. shows is always growing, and i don'tmind that it's not the latest of everything. i can still get hours of enjoyment and watchback-to-back shows. also, i mean, i love watching
house of cards and for me, netflix has that.it makes my top 25 apps. do you guys watch that show? next, we have nook. with this readingapp, you guys already heard me say that i read books with kindle, but i read all mymagazines on nook. i think that they have the best app for this. i mean, it's barnes& noble, right? they know this stuff! i'm completely switched to digital with all mymagazines as well. there always there with me. i don't have to worry about getting ridof anything. i'm like a walking bookstore! at 19, we have notifierpro. if you like gettingpop-ups on your phone, everytime you get a new notification, email and things of thatnature, then this app has got you covered. i have yet to find an app that it doesn'tsupport. even in the free version, guys, you've
got tons of options that you can configure.you can theme your notifications. you can set where it appears and now long it stayson the screen. i actually like this app, guys. i put it on all my android phones. next up,we have my go to launcher, and this for me happens to be nova launcher. whenever i'mtired of the manufacturers skin, i go ahead install this launcher on there guys. for me,i like it because it's highly configurable, i can make just about any change that i canimagine using this. i like the fact that i can change out my icons. i set how my transitionshappen. i can control the scrolling affect. i can just about do anything that i want includingmaking changes to the dock. i can make changes to the app drawer. i mean, this thing justdoes it all. again, if you're not familiar
with nova launcher, guys, hit me up in thecomments below. i'd be happy to do a full review on this and show you what this canreally do. it's one of the best launchers out there in my opinion. next we've got poweramp.as you guys already know this is my music player that i'm currently using. if you haven'tseen my versus video on this, then i'll leave that link down below. i'll also include thelink for jetaudio because that's another favorite of mine, but right now, i'm rocking with poweramp.i really like the fact that you can add different skins to this thing, and you can pretty muchmake it your own. it does it all! if you try this music player, guys, i can guarantee you'regoing to like it. at 22, we have yahoo sports. i use this app just to get a quick look atthe scores around the leagues. i like that
it's simple and puts things right where iwant them, up front and in my face. next we have espn sportscenter. when i have time onmy hands, this is my go to app to stay up-to-speed on my teams. i really like the ui here. ifind it really easy to use. now that football season is back upon us, this app is goingto get a lot of my attention. let's go cowboys!! yes, i'm a dallas fan, guys. i also like thefact that i get video highlights here in the news and that i can see what's trending nowon twitter. if you haven't checked out this app, i gotta say this is another one thati highly recommend. finally, last but not least, at number 25, we have yahoo weather.if you guys haven't seen this weather app, i have to say it's about one of the lookingones that are out there. you've got access
to all the right information and it's rightat your fingertips. i like the fact, and you can do this in some of weather apps, but you'vegot multiple cities that you can add in based on what you're interested in. if you haven'tchecked out this app, guys, go ahead and give it a try. i'll leave the link down below fordownloading. alright guys, so there you have it. my top 25 apps for android. are you guysusing any of these apps? are you seeing any
that you plan on using from this video? leaveme a comment below and let me know what you think of these. if you'd like to see morecontent like this, then be sure to hit that thumbs up button, subscribe and rate thisvideo. thanks for watching, guys, and i'll see you in the next one!