well, crap.you can't find your phone. normally you would just use someone else'sphone or maybe the home phone, a landline, to call it to find where it is. but, those options aren't available.
Android device manager, well, if you've heard of "find my phone" throughgoogle, you can use your gmail account that's associatedwith the phone to find it and even ring it. there are a couple different ways you cando this.
first, let's go into the desktop and sign into your gmail account associatedwith that phone in order to use these options. okay, so the first thing you have to do isbe on a desktop and sign into your gmail account that's associatedwith your cell phone. if you're not sure which gmail account isassociated with your cell phone device, i will show that to you in a second here. now, keep in mind that i am showing you thison a desktop and, in theory, you could go into anothercell phone device
and use "desktop view" and follow this process. i'm not sure if that'll work. i have not tested that. the first thing you'll do is click on thecog at the top, right corner of your screen on your phone. then it will take you to the settings screen. on the settings screen, scroll down a littlebit to where it says "applications," and click on "applications." then you're going to see an application called"email."
on the left of that will be a little envelope,red circle, with an @ sign in it. click on that, and there should be your emailthat's associated with your cell phone. you might not see an email. it might say, "select an existing accountor add a new one." if you see where it says, "select existingaccount," with a downward triangle, you can click on that, touch that, and there it'll say, "select existing account," and it'll have the gmail account that is associatedwith your phone. okay, so now the first of two options is tosimply go into the search bar
and type in, "find my phone." when you do that, it brings you to this screenhere, and it is mapping out where my phone is. and, it also gives me an option here to ringmy phone. now, i'm going to make one note here thati just discovered. it will ring the phone only if the phone ison and if the ringer is on for notifications. okay, so it doesn't have to do whether ornot you're muted your phone, but the notifications volume has to be on. okay, so when i hit "ring,"
it'll say it'll ring for five minutes straight. let me turn that off here. it'll ring for five minutes straight unless you turn it off through the deviceitself, which i just did. now, your other option is to go over hereinto your google and you're going to click on this nine squarelittle box here, and then click on the "play" button. it brings you to this big screen. don't worry about everything going on.
just click on the cog box right here. then click on "android device manager." now, again, it brings us into a map, and it's going to find the phone. now, again, if the phone is not on, it willnot work. but, once the device is turned back on, it will show you where it was last located. also, you will not be able to ring it if thephone is off. but, in this option, it does also give youthe choice
to lock the phone and erase the phone completely. you might be needing some extra security and, in this instance, you can definitely lock the device or even go so far as to erase everything onit.
i hope you found this video useful on how to find your android device using yourgmail account that is associated with the device itself. thanks for watching.