steve dotto here. how the heck are you doingthis fine day? me? i’m looking forward to showing you a new podcasting app which wasthe winner on our weekly app wednesday show. the app is a podcasting tool called overcast.the winner of this week’s app wednesday contest, our good friend eric fisher, overcasttoday on dottotech. as you should know by now, every week on blabwe have a weekly show called app wednesday
Android podcast App, where we take a look at the coolest, the bestapps for mobile and sometimes for desktop and at the end of each episode, a winner ischosen. it is my responsibility to showcase that winning app here on our channel. thewinning app this week is from eric fisher who has a great podcast called beyond theto-do list. eric is one of the staffers at
social media examiner, a bright guy indeedand he brought to us, not surprisingly, a podcasting anybody who’s used the podcast in the ios world knows that apple’s podcastingapp pretty much sucks. so overcast is an alternate podcasting management tool to manage yourlist of podcasts, which eric thinks is excellent. i’ve been using it now for about a weeksince he showcased it and i’ve got to say i am liking it. it’s a free app. downloadit and once you’ve opened it on your phone, you can see that we’ve got, as you’d expect,a list of podcasts available and some tools across the top. the main tools that you haveto be concerned with is the plus tool which allows you to search the directory to findnew podcasts. they also offer suggestions
of podcasts that you might want to add soyou can add new podcasts using this tool. now for me though, one of the biggest benefitsof this tool is the fact that when you’re in the play mode, it has a few different technologiesin place that will help you listen to your podcast in a more efficient manner. basically,it’ll allow you to speed things up. it’s got technology that will shorten the pauseswhich basically reduces the amount of time to listen to a podcast and you can also speedup the podcast. now with most podcast players, you can speed it up but it does a very elegantjob of doing it. so i’m just going to get this playing kindof in the background. here’s a podcast that i love. marcus sheridan, bright guy. if you’reinto content marketing in any shape, way or
form, the sales lines, this is something thatwe can all learn from. so if i just get that started and get it playing, you can see downhere in the bottom as it’s playing along, i’ve got the different effects. so i’veactually got mine set at a slightly higher speed so it will take about a third less timeto listen to a one-hour podcast than it normally would and i can still understand it very clearly.they also have this voice boost tool which we see here which does a great job of handlingsome of the technical challenges some podcasters have. sometimes because of the way they recorda podcast, their mic is nice and loud but their guest’s mic might be quiet becausethey might be doing a skype interview or something. in that case there, it basically normalizesand equalizes all of the different audio tracks
or the different audio levels within it whichis a nice additional feature. the rest of the tools you can choose to play as you want,adjusting the speed and making it faster or slower. but for me, just the fact that i canincrease the speed that way and i can shorten the pauses means that now a podcast that mighttake me an hour to listen to now takes me 45 or 46 minutes and i just am able to consumethat much more content. so you’ve got some nice management tools as far as handling yourlist, which ones you want to save and which ones you want to delete. they’ve got allthe tools you’d expect in that space. it has a nice, clean interface that allows yousee the graphics and a quick description of all of the different podcast episodes as overall, is it a massive leap forward over
the built-in podcast player? no. but it’sa nice incremental step forward. it’s got some nice features. basically, i find it alittle more of a pleasant experience. there are three ways to stay in touch withus here on dottotech. the first is please subscribe to this channel. secondly, pleasesubscribe to our newsletter. that way i can send you notification of upcoming live eventssuch as different webinars and trainings that we do as well as updates on all of our videos.and finally, dottotech is a community-funded
site supported through the generosity of ourpatrons at patreon. i encourage you to drop by our patreon page, have a look at what supportingdottotech looks like and discover what perks i’m including to those patrons and thoseperks are indeed wonderful. till next time,
i am steve dotto. have fun storming the castle.