so i am a little bit obsessed with calendars.every single one of these things is a calendar. i've got paper calendar, i've got digitalcalendar. i have lots of bug calendars to choose from because i never know when i amgoing to need an additional one for some reason. so today i thought i'd talk about my favoriteapps that are calendars, because i download a new one like every month. so i guess thisis going to be day that [i've done] in about
Android calendar App, thirty days. first, let me say that i have a confession.i have been really, really bad about keeping android in mind whenever i do app for yearsand i'm very sorry android users, i know there is a lot of you, i do. i'm not trying to discriminate,i just genuinely forget and i'm not using
an android. so i guess i can't really speakfrom experience, can i? but today i will say that i am including an app that is on android.that's exciting. the app that i'm talking about is calengoo.and the reason why i like it so much is for one reason. it is an exact replica of googlecalendar, exactly how you see it on a computer, that's how you see it on your phone. everythingfrom all your different calendars, the different labels, the different colors however you likeit set up, whether it's week view, agenda view, or full month view, it's all there.and that's why i like it so much because i feel like i'm not screw anything up or missinganything, if i have the same design in front of me all the time.
this is not a free app. actually i think wheni bought it a while back, it was like seven bucks. but i saw for android that's like it is very expensive and it is not directly affiliated with google. however it is greatif you want it to look exactly the same as your google calendar if that's what you'reusing on your computer. i tell you what, i definitely got every dollar's worth of thatapp because i use it so much. my newest favorite calendar app is calledsunrise. i just learned about this very recently. so i'm still kind of new to it but i loveit. the thing is i've never been a big fan of agenda view which is ultimately just allyour appointments and all things on your calendar listed instead of seeing them on a day ofthe calendar. but that's exactly how this
app is laid out and it just works. the bestpart is that it can incorporate everything from google to facebook to linkedin. so anyevents that are showing up on facebook and linkedin will be added if you want them tobe as well as birthdays and other important dates, they'll all be on your calendars. soif there's somebody that you really wanted to keep in mind for their birthday or forspecial day it'll be there and you won't forget. also sounds are very important to me becausethe basic notification sound for iphone makes me crazy. i hate it. however i like when anapp integrates their own notification sound and the one for sunrise is very this reminder that you have an appointment is not so detrimental to your health whichis how i feel about that specific iphone noise.
you know which one i am talking about. andthe upside to tying in all the social networks is that if you say you're having an appointmentwith somebody and they find them on those networks, it adds their information into theappointment which is really useful. if say, you're running late and you need to contactthem, you can easily do that right there within the calendar. because you know i don't haveeverybody's phone number in my phone. i try to keep that thing cleaned out. i mean god,you remember back in the day when we used to collect phone numbers in our phones, iam so over that. like i prefer to have like five phone numbers in my phone. because youknow i don't talk on the phone, i really just tweet. so why do i need phone numbers for?
that's your sexy wednesday episode. congratulations!you now have the best calendars for your phone
and you can be more like me, but i know it'swhat all of you are striving for. tweet me at schmittastic and at savvy sexy social anddefinitely come back tomorrow for social thursday, and you can do that by subscribing to thischannel which i'd appreciate so much. valley girl, i don't even know what's happening atthis point. okay, i'll see you tomorrow. bye.