Android cleaner

hey guys, janel torkington of appszoom heretoday looking at a really popular efficiency app called clean master, meant to give you a lot of different ways to boost yourandroid's performance. i gotta admit i'm really suspicious of almostall these kinds of apps. but this one's very highly rated, so let's takea look and see how it works.

Android cleaner, so, the first thing it does is scan my deviceand tell me how much storage i have left. i have 51% so that's not bad. also, how much ram i'm using. okay, so let's see what else it can tell me.

i've just tapped on this information, and it shows me stuff about my cpu which is overheating.31% higher than normal. you know, it might be because i'm recording the screen, so i don't really knowif i want to fix that. it's not burning my hand yet so i think i'mprobably okay. it shows me what apps are running. that makessense. if there was anything i don't really want to run... okay, amazon shopping i didn't realize was running, and i don't really want it to run. lots of stuff running. i guess i don't needall of this stuff. okay, and then it tells me: "don't make theseapps stop running." that's good, that it prevents me from doing something really silly. we'll boost it and there's a really nice imageof a rocket making me feel boosted.

found 11 games that can be boosted by 30%.see, i don't know what this means. i really don't like it when it when apps tryand go over your head like this. i don't have any issue with stuff runningon this device. maybe if it were an older and crappier android,things might run slowly but this is a nexus 5 and we keep it in good condition so thingswork pretty well. let's see what happens anyway if i hit boost. it gives me a nice animation and things areboosted successfully and i can launch things from the homescreen... honestly, i just don't trust this. and i've seena lot of other user reviews that call it into

question because now i'd be running theapps through clean master for some reason. it just seems strange. now i'm a little lost in these menus, honestly. we've got an auto-kill option - kill idle apps at screen turn off to reduce overall power consumption - and that's really not a particularly good idea to do with your android. because the way that ram works on a mobiledevice and the way the ram works on a computer is different. with an android it's ok to have your ram mostlyfull while in the computer you really don't want that, it's the cpu that you need to beconcerned with your android... and junk files... i don't know what thosejunk files are. maybe i can see what they are.

it's just going to clean automatically. maybe i'm too much of a control freak. so,ok, it tells me what the junk is. can i see what my junk is in reddit news?image cache. well, i guess that's okay. i could look at each of these things and see whatthey are: temporary files, unknown ads. yeah, this stuff looks pretty junk-y. okay, fine, cleanthe junk, sure. and we're getting rid of all of it. i feel so squeaky clean. advanced cleaning. big files, similar photos. okay, lets see what this is. so it's scanning my device. we're going to take a look at, i guess, different things i could possibly change.

this is actually kind of cool. it gives mea rundown of different things detected that maybe are not important. like similar photos, that's super useful. okay, so you can see that this is the deviceclearly that we use for app reviews, but photos that are really similar, like would i keep allthese of santa claus? i don't want that one either. we'll hold on to one for posterity. these creepy girls... ok, look, we use thisfor reviewing android apps, so it's not really surprising that we have bizarre images onhere. yours will probably be cooler but yeah, sure,we should delete the ones that are similar.

put it in the recycle bin and delete it after sevendays, that's great, in case i make an error. that's actually really smart. alright, we'll go back. then there are big files so i cansee some videos that i recorded. makes sense. i use this for making let's play videos. also,game data. i don't need this stuff for kingdom: origins anymore, it was just for reviewing it so, yeah, sure,we can delete that. we don't need this from armies of whatever, sure. and i can go through and selectively choosewhich ones i wanna get rid of. waze, we don't need that, alright. and then, it makes you feel good because look at howmuch you're cleaning. a huge amount of megabytes and we get a cool trash can animation. i feelgreat about this. keep my naked selfies private... well, i haven'ttaken any on this phone but no, i'm not gonna

start now. it's really slick, i gotta admit. it's head andshoulders above other cleaning apps that i've seen. at the same time, i still gotta admit that i feelslightly funky about it, like maybe it's doing stuff that i'm not entirely clear about. it feels like behind all the fast animationsit's maybe getting rid of stuff i'm not sure i want to delete. do you know what's slowing down your phone? find out about these apps that drag you down... i think this is content. like would link me to the posts of theirs. oh, it's a wizard. i don't think i wanna restart100 times in 5 minutes. okay, so this is an

article of theirs. if you're really interested in making yourphone go fast i guess you can read about that and the naked selfies is always an option. and then we get awards for cleaning junk.and i beat 98% of other users. it's trying to gamify cleaning my phone, i mean, i supposeit might work for some people, it's kind of cool for a cleaning app it certainly has a lot of functionality. there's security stuff on here. sure, we can scan it, let's see what happens if we scan for security purposes. we don't keep a password or anything onthis because, again, it's for testing apps.

my browser history and there's privacy issueswith facebook... that's a shocker. and i could lock it with app lock which iguess is their app or something that's associated. we're not gonna do this. i'm at risk, i guess. and then i could read more. oh, no, i don'treally wanna scan it again. no, thank you. i'm impressed by the design and i'm also impressedthat it's keeping me kind of locked in and lost here for so long. where ami? navigation wise, i have no idea where i am in the menu. how do i? okay. and i've deleted some stuff from my storage,'cause i started at 51%. so i guess that's

cool. and i have all these options for junk files,phone boost, antivirus and app manager. let's check out app manager. shows me what i've used in the last three days.maybe i want to uninstall stuff that i don't use very frequently. frequency will be displayed three days later. i just downloaded clean master, so it doesn'tknow how frequently i've used stuff. i can see what apk files i have... none right now. what are picks? we're going to find out aboutmy best apps. okay, well, look if you...

jelly blast? these are not even apps i have. all right, so if your android is running reallyslowly, i think you could do worse than clean master. it looks like it might be really legitimatein terms of helping you figure out what you have on your device, what's taking up a lotof space, stuff like the similar photos, seems really neat. you can quickly consider what's taking up awhole lot of your memory and get rid of it and find out what you haven't used in a longtime, consider whether it's useful or not.

but a lot of it seems to be bloatware, okay, and i'mnot impressed by that. i'm really annoyed by it actually. it's very well-designed. but this recommended app thing,it's just ads in a pretty little package. another thing that i don't like about it isthat if i go back to my homescreen. check it out! there are magic things that'veappeared on my homescreen that i didn't install. this one tap boost thing. we can look at it but i didn't ask for's a widget that automatically happens and it freed some of my ram. what does it mean? whatactually happened there?

is it a placebo? did it actually delete something?i don't know, but i'm not thrilled about it. and then i can run games i guess through cleanmaster. what's that gonna do? i'm not sure. basicallylook... clean master might work. i think it's oneof the best cleaners on the market. that said, i would like it to be far clearerin terms of what it's actually doing when you're boosting and cleaning and whatnot. i'd like specific documentation of what'sgoing on. it also definitely shouldn't install widgets without asking your express permission first. the pages that are ads disguised as recommended apps and totally unrelated to cleaning is

also not too cool. but if your android is running slow and you'relooking for something to help you sort out what's taking up a lot of space... clean master is not a terrible choice. maybe i'm just a worrywart, alright. andthis app is not for me. see, i didn't want that... maybe i did, idon't know.

Android cleaner

like i said, if you're looking for somethingto help you get your android running faster, give it a go. and do let me know how you like it. it's oneof the better ones out there.

clean master for android: app review by janel torkington for appszoom

Android cleaner Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras