Android edittext

welcome to edtech tips for class we normally use pdf documents pdf format when we have a final version of adocument that we don't need to edit any more or we don't want other people toedit but sometimes it is useful to edit a pdf document or to start writing adocument from a previous text contained in

Android edittext, a pdf file of course there are manydifferent programs that we can use for this but if we use google drive there is a very easy very simplesolution for this so we have here this pdf document

let's open it it is a document i createdfrom a wikipedia page it contains text and some images butimagine i'm interested in this text particularly and i want to have thepossibility to edit it to make changes well in that case what we can do is tofollow the simple procedure let's drag and drop our pdf document to ourdrive space -there we are and now we click with the right button and select open with google docs. if we do this, what google docs will do is it willapply its own

ocr software optical characterrecognition software in order to turn that pdf file or the text within thatpdf file into an editable google docs text file so let's click here open with googledocs now sulfur is working to analyze the pdffile and it will give us the text in that document -there we are, the firstthing we notice is that the images in the original pdf file have gonedisappeared ok it only works with text with plaintext some of the formatting features alsodisappear for example there are no bold

letters but we have some italics for example youknow some of the features are there, some others are gone and we shouldalso check the document to see if there are any spelling mistakes because aswith most ocr software programs they translation from the static text in thepdf file sometimes has some misspelling forexample in this case we have a misspelling here it's a it's a capital and instead of akey okay here again so we can go through thedocument and correct any spelling

mistakes we find and then we can startediting our text changing whatever we

Android edittext

like adding or deleting content and theprocess is as simple as this i hope you find it useful if you likedthe video share it and have a look at other videosabout google apps in our collection thank you for watching. bye!

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