Android emoji keyboard

sound affects... hey guess welcome to reviewsof tablets. today i am going to be showing you guys how to turn on the emoji keyboardin ios 7 on the ipad ipod touch or iphone. so let's go into settings now and i will showyou what you have to do from there, so without further a due let's go to settings. ok, thefirst thing you are going to need to do is make sure you are under general, right might look a little bit different on the

Android emoji keyboard, iphone or ipod touch but it should look verysimilar. the second thing you need to do is go down to keyword, and click on that. asyou can see there are lots of things under keyboard but we are just going to click onkeyboards and then add keyboards. once you have done that just go through and find emojikeyboard. it is right here. ok now that we

have added it all that you have to do is goto the home screen, go to a place where the keyboard comes up then type that global iconand this keyboard should come up. it has your

Android emoji keyboard

recents, all of these ones, you can swipefrom side to side well you can't do that under um recent, but you can swipe from side toside to get more emojis and down at the bottom there are categorized by different picturesso there are quite a bit of emojis. anyway thanks for watching, don't forget to likethis video and subscribe to my channel!

Android emoji keyboard Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras