Android hacks

so lets start with first secret that if you want to hide any folder in phone that you don't need to download any app separately for that so lets see how to do this let i want to hide dcim folder

Android hacks, and its photo also visible in gallery so what to do to hide you just need to add a dot [ . ] in the beginning of folder so lets rename and add a dot in very begenning

see i have added a dot now dcim folder is no more visisble so now its hidden and it cannot be be find by anyone so what to do to access that folder again first you need to go to settings press menu button and go to settings now you can see show files and folder with names beginning with period dot means the files with dot are hidden

so if you will turn on or activate it then dot files will appear at top so you can see dcim folder so again rename it and delete the dot so lets delete the dot now this folder is visible again in phone as well as gallery so by this way you can hide any folder by this way you can also hide whatsapp folders like any specific folder like media

or to hide picture folder to make whatsapp media pictures and videos invisible from gallery you know what i'm tryng to say so the 2nd trick is this is the hidden file manager that actually most people don'y know about it you can access ssdcard directly from phone browser and also this works even if there is any security in file manger so if you want to access your friend sdcard then you can access it simply

just write this enter the you can see a file manager & now you can access any files from here without any trouble see how to use it lets suppose if i want to see my friend some whatsapp images then you can see i can access any one and just clik over image to see so by this way you can access any folder and files, images, video in any phone

even if there is security the pixoff is actually a great tool to increase battery performanace it actually turn off the pixels of display in a selected category and design so if you turn off 20%-50% of pixells then you battery will definitely increase so see how screen start to appear if i increase the turn off density now you can see ts actually looking like weird but this actually saves lot of battery

you can see how much of battery will save like 22% 33% 50% so it actually not making any difference and my nbattery time also incraesed so you can see here some pixels are turned off you can also edit the design of pixels to turn off you can increase the density like if you want to make to turn every 2 pixels out of 4 in while display screen then make 2 white and 2 black and you can see this will increase 50% of my battery time

like the battery which consumes in 2 hours, now it will take 3-4 hours to consume that in part only do you know if you set a black color wallpaper in you phone screen then the black pixels atrt to turn off and lowers the pixels intensity level and this aactually increase the b attery life so use any wallpaper having some black part then it will decrease the battery consumption time this is the new app called status and using this app you can change the status bar without any root so if you enables the status bar

so you can see the status the status bar is now changed like iphone with clock in centred and it actually not makes any difference and it will look like inbuilt status bar an also have some other options like you want clock in center or left , right

Android hacks

so if i will select in left so you can see now time is in the postion like you can also see other option like time format

the next trick is power line

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