Android help

okay, good morning everybody. so words that beginwith the letter 'n' that are tasty treats. what else is living in this cavern? hi, i'm john smith, i'm ceo of pni.

Android help, professional naming, incorporated. yes, we are workingon something big. the latest version of android needs a name. they want people everywhere to share their ideas,

but i think it's a job for pni. they had kitkat awhile ago, jellybean, lollipop, marshmallow. i was thinking maybe since we had marshmallow last time, maybe now we're gonna have narshmallow. i don't hate it. ummm, chum... do you... you want to make sure the 'n' is nspired.

people in the streets they wouldn't understand a lotof what we're doing. there's a lot of mathematics and metrics in it, but you, it's really half science and half art. it's both, it's math and art. it's like a baby when you give birth to a baby, it's science. but it's a baby and that has a soul. and then you have to name it.

nutcho. it's a nutcho! nut, nuh, nut? nut? everything is changingconstantly, it's a global world. if you don't do it right away, it's already somebody else is printing it on a t-shirt. nashi pear. navel orange. it's direct, distinct. you know exactly what it is. i feel really close to narshmallow.

i love noodle. because it's got a length to it. they say if a sharkstops swimming, it's it's dying. or i don't know if it's dying ifit stops swimming or... if you're not out there, like a shark,

Android help

naming things, like a shark would. i'm not sure if that's... okay, so let's bring it in everybody. we are names!we are names!

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