steve dotto here. how the heck are you thisfine day? me? i’m feeling a little hot around the collar. actually, i’m not but today’sdemo is all about hot-spotting or as our teutonic friends like to say, hot-spotting, the abilityto be able to take your smartphone’s connection and use it and share it with your computeror with another device. it’s a fairly basic application that’s fairly simple to might wonder why you want to do it because
Android hotspot, so many places today have hot spots availableto you. you can go to almost any coffee shop and you can log on. there are so many differentpublic hot spots available. well, there are really two basic reasons thatyou might want to hot spot. the first reason is convenience. it takes a bit of time tofind the network and log on and do all those
sorts of things whereas turning on the hotspot of your phone is incredibly quick. the other reason is security. now probably a tiny,tiny percentage of us are ever exposed to any dangers at all when we are using a publicnetwork but let’s face it, a public network is less secure inherently than a private networkthat you’re running yourself. so if you’re doing things like online banking or any ofthat sort of stuff when you’re out and about, it might be a good idea to do that throughyour own personal hotspot rather than doing it through a public network. so it’s hot-spottingtoday on dottotech. it is a fairly quick and basic demo whichwe are going to look at this fine day. we’re going to take a look at the ability to takethe internet connection that’s available
on our smartphone and i have here at the centerfor your viewing pleasure my android phone and on the left-hand side is my iphone. wego into the same place in both phones to set up hot spots and it’s as simple as can the android phone, you go into the more network’s area and there you can find tetheringand portable hot spot. so there are basically ways that you can dothis. you can tether phone using a usb connection which saves a lot of battery power. as a matterof fact if you have your notebook computer plugged in, it allows you to be continuouslycharging your phone while you’re doing it. that’s a great way to set up a hot spot.all you do is you go in and you choose if it’s connected by usb or if you want theportable wifi hot spot, you turn that on and
what will happen is it will turn off—i knowit’s seems counterintuitive—your wifi in order to turn on the hot spot. that’sbecause it’s not bringing in the internet connection at a point there. it’s usingyour mobile radio to connect to the internet. it’s not using the the mac, it’s almost the exact same process. you go into settings and within settingsright there you have a personal hotspot button. you can turn on the personal hotspot whichwill then allow you to share your hot spot with yourself or with somebody else. you putin a wifi password there and allow people to log in. the hot spot, by default is thename of your smartphone. it’s dead simple to do. you can also do the tethering on themac and you can also access it for bluetooth
as well should you choose to. but for themost part, most people will want to set up either a wifi hot spot or a usb-tethered hotspot. it’s not something that you have to do all the time. it’s nice to know it’snice and convenient if you do need to use it occasionally and for the most part, we’regoing to choose to use public hot spots that are available because they don’t cost usanything whereas sometimes of course if we’re using up our own personal data, that mightend up having a cost attached. but the bottom line is for extra security and extra convenience,nothing beats a portable hot spot. i hope you found today’s video to be briefand useful. there are three ways to stay in touch with us here on dottotech. first, pleasesubscribe to this youtube channel. the second
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