Android lookout

this is blockylive here and today i'mgoing to show you how to record your screen of any mobile device for a hundred percent free and so staytuned and let's roll that intro so as i said before i'm going to beshowing you how to record your screen for your mobile device

Android lookout, as you can see i do not have any sort of apps on here except the recycleing that sowe're going to switch to the root tablet i'll be right back as i'mback

so as you could see i have my screenrecorder screen record right here and i can go into any app you should be ablejust to go into any after you want and in my opinion this is probably the bestscreen recorder ever you don't have to pay anything there isa pro version but ua it doesn't limit as much so i'm going tobring you to the app store there isn't going to be a link for thisso i'm just going to put go to the app store and just type in the name so i'm going to go into az screenrecorder so so the way spell it is just a capital z and then screenrecorder

ok so we're going to search for that so this is if you want to do thatfirst and that is actually like an editor if you don't have an editoralready have an editor so i don't really need this but that's just a plug-in like if youwant an editor it's made by the same company so here'sthe app it's called the az screen recorder no roots it's just apparently it'sdesigned for phones i'm using your tablet still work

i probably agreewith the statement the the best because there's no limit on it so that's great if it has a lot offeatures but one sip of if you do have a final screen recorder and it has somesort of limit on it just put it into your computer and putin your editing software and just just to match this the settings together so iwill be a going on my phone to show you the show you the am settings but first i want to say nowthat i have a screen recorder actually could do games like clash of clans or aclash royale so that'll be a pretty fun

i can also do or mobiletutorials like this one so be on the lookout for that so let's moveto the phone i'll be right back guys ok guys im backso i do that i did stop the recording so if you won't be able to see anything so this is my tablet right here is mybig hand i have all my apps and i want to showyou i want to show you the settings for this so i can show you this before but ineed to record it so what what you're going to what i'mgoing to want to do is go to the

settings right here and you have allthese up settings so it means just ok so what you have right here is theencoder by my own i don't you don't really need to messwith that the magic button that that actually is like an overlay which ididn't show i might as well turn it on it'sit'snothing it's a pro feature ok i guess it's prosee it some of these features are kind of screwed up but are not screwed up butup you you need to pay for it so that we don't need that stuff i could just use anotification so we have the resolution

you have all these up you have all these on we have wheel all of these settings youcan do so the frame rate just keep that's 30 it probably will i just want to see i guess i could do 60keep the bit rate at auto the orientation auto the time time lapse is that that's your that isyour choice if you want to do a time lapse you can record audio with a microphonei'm using that i will be using that you

could put a text or logo you cannot do a face cam you can do manystuff basically but the thing i want to tell you about is changeless twopictures so you cannot get through this easily i'm just just press that button and findpictures so it will automatically go to the pictures directory i can't even show you the video sowhat's i don't know if it will pick it out because i'm according with a microphone but wealready ate

we're just going to say pictures and wewill select the directory then we can go to the pictures and find the video youmight not be able to hear it but uh it little black i i assure you there'ssound with it is your cuz i'm actually reporting the microphone so let me gofind it and i'll be right up okay guys i'm back so as i said before ihave two recordings this is actually part of the video this is i'm not touching it i don't know if you guys can hear it butuh i don't know if you guys canhear it but up

is it is functioning fully as sound nooverlays whatsoever it's a really good program that if youwant to record your screen so now that i now that i have that ihave a screen recorder for my phone i could probably do we play down gamesactually maybe like clash of clans or something maybe even clash royale i'll be able to play games and stuff solook out for that on my channel i know in the announcement video i saidi'm not doing games but i i found this program so i might as well use it so

you might be be seeing some mobile gameplay might even do tutorials and stuff

Android lookout

so if you like what you see you can youcan like the video i really appreciate it if you have any questions you can putthat in the comments and make sure to subscribe to stay updated on this typeof content but until then this has been blockylive sighning out and this is going to be hard to edit

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