you’ve probably noticed when you downloada new app, you’re asked to allow the app to do certain things on your phone. theseare called app permissions, and some of them can sound pretty intrusive. when an app asksyou to allow it to do things like edit your contacts or see your location, what exactlyare you giving it permission to do? fortunately they aren’t all as scary as they sound,but it is important to know how permissions
Android permissions, work before you accept them for just any this video, we’ll take a look at a few of the most common app permissions for iosand android, what they mean, and how this information can help you decide which appsto download. modify contacts or read contacts. many appsask for this, usually just to give you the
ability to share content with friends. appslike twitter and facebook for example, use this to make it easy to import contacts fromyour address book so you can easily connect with friends. phone status and identity. this permissionsounds particularly sketchy, and a lot of apps will ask for it, but it’s not as badas it sounds. this permission allows the app to recognize when you’re receiving a phonecall. if you’re using the app and get a phone call, this permission will pause theapp and move it to the background, so you can answer your phone. approximate and precise location. if you’reusing an app to help you to do things like
navigate, or tell you what restaurants arenearby, expect to see this in the permissions. any map or gps app will need this to readwhere you are to offer details about your location, so this permission is necessaryfor any any apps in that category. that being said, if the function of an app has nothingto do with your location or what’s around you, it has no business asking for this. whenever you download an app, read throughthe permissions before you accept them. but, if the jargon of app permissions hasstill got you feeling a little unsure about
which ones are okay to download, there’sanother quick way to decide. when you’re searching for apps in the google play storefor android or the app store for the iphone,
look for apps in the editor’s choice category.this category highlights the very best and most trustworthy apps available to download.