Android programming language

i need your advice on android programmingfor beginners. tutorialspoint dot com has some decent tutorialsfor programming with android for beginners. it also links to tutorials on java, sincea lot of android apps are made with java, and a lot of android books and articles newusers should read. if i want a list of other things i could readabout android programming, i’d start at

Android programming language, the library. as long as it is better thanthe sites i tried, which start to get good until it ends with the cliffhanger, learnthe rest by buying my book for this price. you could get a good introduction on androidfrom raywenderlich dot com’s site. i’m not sure i want to rely on someone’sblog, especially since those tend to be tips

and tricks better for advanced users thansomeone like me. teamtreehouse dot com is more like what you’rethinking of. ray wenderlich’s site covers everything from how to install eclipse andandroid studio – i’ve heard of eclipse as the integrateddesktop environment for android. what is android studio? google is rolling out their own ide, androidstudio. that’s getting dangerously close to apple’sownership of everything, from hardware to the programming language. you can still use eclipse if you want to.ray wenderlich’s site moves on to how to

configure the ide, create apps, modify themand publish them. that’s probably the whole process, shortof monetizing it. you have to build it before they can cometo it. you could also go to the developer dot android dot com site for the lessons thereon how to build your first app. hopefully it is more than hire me to designyour app. it is written for people new to developingandroid apps, and it covers everything from creating android projects to making apps,to linking with other apps to multimedia. that’s pretty advanced. the site even goes intohow to build apps for wearables and connecting

with the cloud, plus building apps that canwork of someone’s location or information in the cloud. is it simple enough for me to follow along? you could try codelearn dot org if you needto learn android and java from the very beginning. they have an android app challenge too, tobuild an app per requirements and test it. i’d rather practice with them than failwhen customers find a bug. lifehacker recommended udacity, though thecourse is only free if you have a trial with them.

Android programming language

the only lessons i can afford are the freeones.

then try vogella’s massive library of freeandroid programming tutorials. they even have free tutorial assistance - you had me the first time you said free.

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