Android qr code reader App

hey everybody. it's brandon with we're going to show you how to create your own qr codes to link to your videos tohelp with your video marketing. it's actually a very easy process and it's probably easierthan most people think. so let's just jump right into it. the first thing you want todo is to get a mobile version of your video. the easiest way to do this is to upload itto youtube. not only is youtube one of the

Android qr code reader App, biggest sites on the internet which will helpwith getting you more exposure, but it's playable on almost every smartphone out there. it playson android, blackberry, iphone; it plays on all of them. what you want to do is uploadyour video to youtube and then take the url to that video. so we have our video here,and we can either take the url straight out

of the browser, or you can go to the bottomunderneath your video and hit the share button, and then you'll see the url. so we want tocopy the url. and it's going to be a shortened version of your url but that is alright. wecan still use it. so we'll go ahead and copy it. then now we need to find a qr code we need to go to google. we're going to type in qr code generator. and you'll havea list of a few of them. we like to use because one it's free, and two it does everythingwe need it to do. so we recommend using but you can find any qr code generator andit should be just fine. so let's go ahead and click on, now that you're on you'll see there's the data type, there's contentand foreground coder and output type. with

qr codes you can really use them in a lotof different ways. you can use them to display videos, buy now buttons, contact information,email messages, text messages, phone calls, directions to stores, there are really a lotof different things you can do. we're going to go ahead and use the youtube video. we'regoing to click on it; we're going to paste our url right here in the video url field.and then you want to make sure the create mobile link is clicked, and the embed urlcode is clicked as well just because you know people are going to be using them from theirphone so you want to make sure the mobile link is chosen. now you move over to foregroundcolor. you can choose any color you want and you can use it to match your ad or your companycolors or anything you want but we like to

use black because it's black, it's simpleand it's what most people are familiar with. now that your qr code color is chosen youwant to go to the output type. so you're going to go ahead and chose output type which isthe download button. click it. and boom. you're done. your qr code is created. so let's takea look at it. alright. as you can see, the qr code is in the jpeg format which is perfectbecause you can use it on any print advertising that you're doing already. you're alreadypaying for that ad space; why not use a qr code to give your user an interactive experience. it you're a realtor you can put it on thefor sale signs and for rent signs. you can put it in your newspaper ads, your magazineads, any billboards you have, any mail marketing

that you may do with postcards. any productpackaging to give instructions on how to use your product. it's a great way to reach yourtargeted audience when they're away from the computer. it's really easy to get your videoin front of them while they're on the computer like on your youtube channel, your website,your facebook or video seo or whatever format you're using. but when they're away from thecomputer, there's no way for you to reach them. so by using qr codes you can easilyput your video in front of them and it's a great way to really make your video marketingexplode. if you have not read our article we suggest you read it. you can access itby clicking the link underneath the video. and we'll give you a lot of great ideas andtips and ways you can use your qr code to

maximize your video marketing strategy. andnow that you have your qr code, i'm going to show you how to use it and how it worksso let's begin. as you can see, i setup a couple of scenarioshere where you may be able to display your qr code. as you can see we have the for salesign for realtors and real estate agents to give video tours of homes. we have a billboardhere with your qr code in it and this is supposed to be a postcard with the qr code on it aswell for mail marketing. my drawings are not that great so just bear with me, these arejust examples. so let's just pretend someone's walking down the street. they can take theirphone, scan the qr code off the sign and the video will play right there on their phone,same with the billboard, same with the postcard

here. i printed out a large size qr code justto use as an example. so we'll go ahead and take the phone. let's pretend it's this qrcode. i'll be walking down the street, i'll see the qr code, and i'll go ahead and scanit with my phone. so the phone is now processing it with the qr code reader. it's opening upthe url and boom. there we have it. our video has just pulled up. and give it a second toload. it takes a second or two. there you have it. the video played right there on ourphone. so as you can see it's a very easy process and the video was pretty quickly loadedonto the phone. and you can use this any way you want. you can put it on your billboards,any print ads in newspapers. i really encourage you to go and read our article on our sitebecause we give you a lot of good advice and

ways to really use these qr codes to reachyour targeted audience and give them an interactive experience right there on their phone.

Android qr code reader App

we also have a bunch of qr code readers thatwe recommend and qr code generators that you can use in our article. so please take a the link below, and if you have any questions please let us know and we'd loveto hear your feedback. so thanks for watching our video and hope you have a good day.

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