Android themes

subscribe to windroid boosters channel and hit the bell icon be the first one to watch latest tips & tricks videos . miui are one of the best in the class when it comes to the word customization but

Android themes, this highly customized rom also lacks of customizing everything of the ui there is a customization option too but it's not enough, such asyou can't

customize alone the battery icon or the signal icon on our theme over any application don't worry i have a little fix for this. whats up guys shahed here back with another video in this video i'm going to show you guys how to fully modify or customize a theme. so without any further delay let's get started the only prerequirement you need is a file

explorer that supports zip extracting . the miui file manager can do the job but i highly recommend solid explorer file manager because solid file explorer will make your job much much easier. by the way you must have the mtz file to modify the theme xiaomi has restricted users from getting the downloaded theme in the user directories to get the mtz file

head over to miui themes application and click on share copy to clipboard now head over to chrome and enter the link only click on the green icon then sign in with your mi account then again click on the green download icon as u can see the theme is downloading now. if you aren't lucky enough you might be seeing a screen like this

in this case to get the mtz files type the mtz file enter miui search for it on google you might get the mtz file from the miui forum after downloading the mtz file copy those thems in a specific folder then make two separate folder on the folder one would be for the first theme and the second one before the second theme copy those

two mtz files to those folders if you are using solid explorers slide to the right open another window and go to the second theme folder open those mtz files with solid explorer then click on the three dots menu icon and select all then copy then paste on the folder this applies for both mtz files if you want to change the full user interface

of any application just copy the desired file and paste the desired filee on the desired theme folder. as example if i want to change the ui of the updater app i will copy the updater named files to my desired themes folder i will replace the file but if you want to modify a specific thing of an application then you have to change the extension to .zip

as example i am modifying the system ui add an extension named .zip then create a new folder then copy the zip file to the new folder extract all the content of the zip file then paste in the folder. do the same thing for the file from which you want to import content as you guys can see that theme i'm modifying has a portrait battery icon but i

want to have a circle battery icon so the thing i will do is copy the circle battery icon from a theme then paste it on the folder that contains battery icon i will also modify the wi-fi and signal icon so what to do? just copy the images from the theme and paste them to the desired folder by editing theme values you can change

colours or how many rows of how many columns will content in your theme by default the theme has four columns i will change it to 5 after doing modification go back now copy the name of the zip file then delete the zip file. now select those files and click on archive then paste the copied text and erase the dot zip extension

now copy the .zip file file to the theme folder and paste the file and click on new now rename the zip file. delete the zip extension now you can delete the folder which you use to modify the components now select all the files and click on add to archive and click on create don't forget to deselect the mtz file

now rename the zip file .zip to .mtz now head over to themes application click on offline then go to the directory where you have kept the modified theme then select the theme now let's apply that theme as you guys can see i have successfully modified the theme as always thanks for watching this video smash the like button if you find this

video helpful don't forget to share this video with your friends so that they can enjoy the theming power of miui comment below if you have any query or you can reques any tutorial in the comment section

Android themes

there are few more suggested videos on the end up screen and also on the "i" icon don't forget to check them out too great day

Android themes Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras