welcome viewers, this is nick here again,and welcome to tv box stop, the channel where we feature the best in android tv boxes. on today’s presentation we have an unboxingand review of the yundoo y2, amlogic s912 octa core android 6.0 4k tv box. in a minute we’ll take a look at its hardwarespecs and how well it performs, so stay tuned,
Android TV adapter, we’ll be right back after this. welcome back. as you can see the yundoo y2 comes in thissimple brown box, there is nothing fancy about it.
on the cover you have some writing that statessome of the main features of the box which we will get to in a minute. the yundoo y2 feels a bit hefty than the othertv boxes, it weighs approximately the same as the amazon fire tv. in the box, as you can see you have your yundooy2 tv box, an infrared remote control, you get 1 hdmi cable, a power adapter, and a usermanual. the user manual comprises of 7 short chaptersto assist you in getting started with this box. let’s take a look at its hardware specs.
the yundoo y2 runs on the latest amlogic s912octa core cpu, with speeds of up to 2.0 ghz. with this new cpu, you get advanced decodingtechnology, it supports both h.265 and vp9 decoding, for a faster and smoother experiencewith less bandwidth occupation. it comes with 2 gb of ram and 16 gb of internalstorage. its graphics, is powered by the mali t820tri core gpu, with speeds of up to 750 mhz. it is stated that this new tri core gpu, isequal in performance to the previous octa core 450. the mali t820, when combined with the powerof the s912 cpu, provides advanced 3d gaming, and is able to handle most 4k video between30 to 60 fps.
the yundoo y2, comes with improved wifi connectivity,it comes with dual band 2.4 + 5.8 ghz wifi, and bluetooth 4.0. it comes with mira cast, dlna, and airplay,to connect and stream videos and photos live from android smartphones and tablets directlyto your big screen. the yundoo y2 comes installed with the latestandroid 6.0 marshmallow, and preinstalled with kodi 16.1 along with some addons foryour enjoyment. so after all of that tech stuff, what is thisbox, and what can it do for you. we feature the best in android tv boxes. ontoday’s presentation we have an unboxing and review of the yundoo y2, amlogic s912octa core android 6.0 4k tv box. in a minute
we’ll take a look at its hardware specsand how well it performs, so stay tuned, we’ll be right back after this. welcome back. as you can see the yundoo y2comes in this simple brown box, there is nothing fancy about it. on the cover you have somewriting that states some of the main features of the box which we will get to in a minute.the yundoo y2 feels a bit hefty than the other tv boxes, it weighs approximately the sameas the amazon fire tv. get 1 hdmi cable, a power adapter, and a usermanual. the user manual comprises of 7 short chapters to assist you in getting startedwith this box. let’s take a look at its hardware specs.the yundoo y2 runs on the latest amlogic s912
octa core cpu, with speeds of up to 2.0 ghz.with this new cpu, you get advanced decoding technology, it supports both h.265 and vp9decoding, for a faster and smoother experience with less bandwidth occupation. core 450. the mali t820, when combined withthe power of the s912 cpu, provides advanced 3d gaming, and is able to handle most 4k videobetween 30 to 60 fps. and bluetooth 4.0. it comes with mira cast,dlna, and airplay, to connect and stream videos and photos live from android smartphones andtablets directly to your big screen. so after all of that tech stuff, what is thisbox, and what can it do for you. a tv box lik the yundoo y2, allows you to experienceandroid o s on your tv, the same way you would
on your smartphone. tv boxes are heavily focusedaround movies and android games. you can enjoy all your paid subscription services like netflix,hulu, sling tv, pandora, and many others. you can also enjoy onlimited streams of freemovie content via youtube and kodi media center. in other words, if you a tired of the sameold programming from your paid subscriptions, and you need something in hd or 4k that’snot going to cost you a fortune, then the yundoo y2 is a great tv box to provide suchan experience. let’s take a look at its ports, and howwe can connect this tv box to our tv. the yundoo y2 has 1 hdmi port, 2 usb ports,1 rj45 ethernet lan port, 1 audio video port, 1 optical audio port, 1 sd card slot, anda power adapter jack.
what i am going to do now is connect thisy2 to a tv, and demonstrate how it operates, and we are also going to look at some benchmarkresults and see how well it scores. so this is the launcher of the yundoo y2,and it comes with a navigation bar at the bottom for easy navigation. if you disablethe bar at the bottom, you can re enable it easily by simply swiping the screen from thebottom up. let's take a look at what preinstalled appswe get with this box. i see here we have face book, kodi, netflix, google play store, pandora,skype, twitter, youtube, plex, and many others. the google play store is fully functional,so you can download and install any app you like.
in the settings area, if we go to network,here you can see and connect to your network, weather it is cable or wifi. you have dualband wifi connectivity, you can either connect to the 2.4, or 5.8 ghz band depending on whatrouter you have. moving on to display, here you can see andswitch to what resolution you want. what ever tv you connect to the box, it will detectits resolution and it will be available for selection. under the sounds option, here you can selectwhat output audio you want. you have the option of pcm, hdmi, or optical audio. you also getdolby digital dts pass-through. under the languages option, you can find justabout any language in the world, so the yundoo
y2 is prepared to work in any region. under the more settings option, you will findan option called about media-box. here you will be able to see all the information aboutthe box, like model number, android version, kernel version, and build number. so before we go to the benchmarks, i willopen up kodi and see what version comes preinstalled. as you can see, it comes preinstalled withkodi 16.1. even though kodi 17.1 is the latest version, this is not a problem, because kodi17 krypton is still in beta and can be glitchy at times. kodi also comes preinstalled withall of your major addons for your enjoyment. on to the benchmarks. for the first benchmark,we are going to run the root checker app.
as you can see, it says that this box hasroot access, or as some people would say that the box is rooted. this is important, becauseyou get the benefit of accessing administrator privileges over the android installation,you also have full control over the applications installed on your tv box. in other words,it means that you can install and uninstall what ever app you like, and you can set permissionsfor them too. next, we open the digital rights manager app.here we have the digital rights information, and from testing netflix, it appears thatnetflix does not run in high definition, as most of the tv boxes that come out of china. as mentioned earlier, the yundoo y2 has rootaccess, so the google play store runs without
any issues, and you can download and installany app you like, and uninstall them whenever you want. here we have the antutu benchmark test, theantutu benchmark, is a comprehensive android benchmarking application, it tests the performanceof memory, cpu integer, cpu floating point, 2d and 3d graphics performance, s d card readand write speed, and database io performance testing. when it is finished, it gives youan overal score that you can compare to other devices. the yundoo y2 in this test, got ascore of thirty six thousand one hundred and eightteen, higher than a lot of boxes in itsclass. next we have the geekbench 4 benchmark test.geekbench, is a processor benchmarking application,
like other cpu benchmarking applications,geekbench runs a series of tests on a processor, and times how long the processor takes tocomplete each tasks. the quicker the cpu takes to complete each tests, the device in turnwill get a higher score. in this test, the yundoo y2 got a score of 433 single core,and 2300 multi-core. if you scroll down, you can see results for each of the individualtest. for the next benchmark you have the ice stormextreme test, this test includes everything that you need for benchmarking a tv box inone application. whether you're gaming, watching movies, using a #d application, or chattingonline, 3d mark includes a benchmark designed specifically for your hardware. in this test,the yundoo y2 got a score of 6135.
for the last benchmark, we take a look atthe cpu z test. in this test, it simply displays information about the cpu. information likeits speed, number of cores, its architecture, gp u render, and operating temperature. thecpu z test reveals that it is an octa core cpu, with support for the mali t820 gpu, andit has an average operating temperature of 58 to 65 degrees celsius. thats it for the benchmarks. now we take alook at kodi. as you can see we have kodi 16.1 jarvis installed and it boots up veryquickly. if we go to the video addons section, you can see that it comes preinstalled witha few of the major video addons. this is ok, since there are many tutorials on youtubeon how to add and install more video addons.
so kodi moves pretty fast, and you are ableto play 4k videos at various fps. youtube is fully functional, you can playyoutube videos in 1080p quality and over. and for my final demonstration, i will runa game called traffic racer, to see how well the yundoo y2 handles the 3d graphics acceleration.as you can see the combination of the s912 cpu, together with the mali t820, providessmooth and fast 3d gaming. just a reminder, the stock remote controlthat comes with this box doesn't work that good, its an infrared remote control, whichmeans you're required to point and click constantly, which doesn't always provide the desired results.so it is recommended that you purchase a separate wireless air mouse or a touch-pad keyboardlike the one i'm using in this video, for
a better navigation experience, especiallyif you are one of those who like to install kodi addons for yourself. so in closing i would definitely recommendthe yundoo y2 based on its speed, kodi performance, its 3d gaming, its hardware, and its price.on the downside, i didn't get the ota one click update to work in this video, and ihad some issues with mira-cast, and screen mirroring. so this was an unboxing and review of theyundoo y2 amlogic s912 octa core android 6.0
tv box. if you are interested in this box,a link was placed in the description area for more information. thanks for watching,remember to like this video if you found it
informative, share it with your friends, andsubscribe to this channel for more tv box stop videos.