Android TV Apps apk

i’m trying to install a third party app,for example amazon app installer apk on my android device. but somehow i can’t clickor tap the install button. it seems like the button is blocked. the cancel button is working,but not the install button. it is very frustrating. there is a simple solution to this problem.the issue is probably that you have a screen filter or a screen dimming app working inbackground. if this is the case, the install

Android TV Apps apk, button will not work. so, i am using bluelight filter which is enabledat the moment. i go and disable the filter.

Android TV Apps apk

then i go back to my app installer. tap theinstall button and “voila”, it is working now.

i hope this has solved your problem. if yes,please click the “like” button and share your comments.

Android TV Apps apk Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras