- if you're in the market foran android tv set-top box, there's one and only onebox that you should get, and it's this. (techno music) it's this, the nvidia shield tv.
Android TV cable, how do i know this? why do i know this? why do i care? i'm phil nickinson, i'm a modern dad,
and i've been using android tv since its existence. actually, since beforeit was even android tv. that's how old i am, and that'show long i've been at this. but first, why android tv? well, you get all of the power of google in one little place. you get search, you get videos,
you get music, you get tv, you get movies, you get apps, you get games. all in one box. all really easy to use, and by the way, it looks really cool. shield tv actually goeseven further than that.
it's 4k compliant, it has ethernet, and it's powered by annvidia tegra x1 processor, which is super powerful, meaning you get console quality gaming. again, all in this tinylittle box, it's crazy. pair it up with a game pad, and you almost don't know the difference between this and one ofthose other console games,
and especially if you're like me and you're not a hardcore gamer, but you just wanna kill some time every now and then. really good options. a whole lot of titles out there. some of them are nvidia exclusive, and they even have their ownmonthly subscription service, so you can get a whole bunchof games for a lot less.
so, it's also really easy to use. the remote control only hasthree buttons and a d-pad, and you can controlvolume from it as well. now, shield tv isn't the least expensiveandroid tv box out there. it's $199 dollars forthe 16 gigabyte version, and that's also not alot of storage space, but it has a usb port in the back, so you can augment it with a flash drive,
which is really easy andreally inexpensive to do. one more ace up its sleeve, the nvidia shield tv is the only one that has access, rightnow, to amazon video. go figure. so, it's ridiculously powerful, you can play games on it, you have all the apps youcould ever possibly want, and it handles 4k contentbetter than anything.
that's why, right now,the nvidia shield tv is the only android tv boxyou should think about buying. i'm phil nickinson, i'm a modern dad.
that's it, we'll update this video later when new stuff comes out. subscribe to the channel, thanks so much. see you next time.