hi everyone. now if you don’t already knowwhat iflix is, you should probably watch my previous video where i go into a lot of detailabout what it is, how it works and the kind of content they have. now just as a quick overview, it's very similarto netflix except it's aimed specifically at the philippine market and it has serversnearby so that when you try and stream content,
Android TV chromecast, it's nice and smooth, it's nice and fast.so it's really a good service and it’s actually pretty cheap. now iflix recently updated their iphone andandroid apps to support google chromecast. now if you don't know what google chromecastis, it basically lets you send content from
your phone to the tv and it’s all wireless,so there's no cables to plug in, to run around, no hassle. basically it's just wireless. and iflix were kind enough to send over agoogle chromecast so that i can test it out with theiriflix service. so thank you to trish over at iflix for that. now i have already opened this, i will justlead because i'm using it with this, but i like their ribbon so i figured i would leaveit on. now for anyone who hasn't seen a chromecastbefore, this is the box it comes in. it does come with this power supply and the chancesare your tv might already have a usb port
so you might be able to just power it straightfrom the tv usb port which is what i am doing. so i'm going to turn the tv around and showyou exactly how it works. now bear in mind that this is not a reviewof the chromecast, i’ll probably do a separate video showing this and give you more detailsabout that. this is more about the fact that iflix now supports streaming to the chromecastand it could potentially be one of the best and fastest ways to get iflix on the big tv. so this is the brains right here, it’s basicallya mini computer that fits into this tiny little package here. it plugs into your hdmi portobviously, and on the end is where you'll find the connecter for your micro usb cableto power it. now they do really give you a
long usb cable and the reason for that isin case you want to use the supplied power adapter, for instance if your tv doesn't havea usb port, or if the usb port cannot supply enough power. now in my case it's supplyingenough power so i'm just plugging it straight into the tv. so the first thing i do is plug the usb cableinto the tv. next thing i'm going to do is use that the little hdmi extension becausethis one is a little bit too bulky to fit into my slot, this is included with the chromecastand then i am just going to plug the power into the chromecast which is the usb cable.and there we go, we are set up and ready to start streaming iflix again. it will takea minute or two for the chromecast to boot up.
now for anyone wondering how much the chromecastcosts and where you can buy it, the price really varies between sellers. locally i haveseen it for anywhere from 2000 peso to 2500 peso and i have seen it on sale in a lot ofplaces. mega mall for instance, there’s a lot of shops in there that are selling it, olx, whichused to be sulit, lazada, so there's many places where you can buy a chromecastfrom. so you are looking at anywhere between 2000 - 2500 for the chromecast and you knowyou can use it for more things than just iflix. but for the purpose of this obviously i amjust going to speak about iflix. and of course you will need a wireless home network, wi-finetwork for the chromecast to connect to and for your gadget to connect to whatever it'sios device like an iphone, ipad or an android
tablet or an android phone. now like i said, this isn’t just for iphonesand apple devices is also for android devices. so this is the samsung galaxy s4, i am runningiflix and then went over “mission impossible iii†and then i'm going to click play andthen it should start streaming on the tv. so you can see it's loading and now it's playingon the tv and i can control it here from my phone, so if i want to skip ahead, there yougo, it's playing. if i want to pause it, i can pause it. and now i want to show you something prettycool. let me open another piece of content. so let's say i want to watch this movie, iclick play it tells the chromecast hey, start
streaming this from iflix. now it's not yourphone downloading it and then sending it to the chromecast, the chromecast is actuallyconnecting directly to iflix and streaming it. so what that means is if i skip aheadhere for example, it's playing and then even if i turn this phone off, so power off; asyou can see the phone is now shutting down, but the movie continues to play, so you'renot reliant on the device. once the device has told to chromecast “hey, start streamingthisâ€, that's it, you can now get rid of this and you can watch. so you can see, upthe volume and no problem. simple, right? and i know what you're thinking, "okay, youturned your phone off. how are you going to pause it and go and get more popcorn?" well,the tv remote. this won't work for every tv
but this is a really clever feature calledhdmi-cec and basically it sends commands over the hdmi to the chromecast from your tv. soif i click play on my tv remote, the movie starts playing, if i click pause the moviepauses. that's pretty cool, right? now unfortunately, the other buttons likefast-forward, they don't do anything at the moment and rewind. that’s not a problem,we have iflix that's specific to the google chromecast, but from what i have read theyare working on getting those extra buttons working and it’s not specific to a certainbrand of tv, this is actually built into the hdmi protocol so it should work with mosttvs that already have these multimedia buttons at the bottom.
now it doesn’t have to be a mobile device,you also use your laptop. just open iflix in chrome and then navigate to whatever youwant to watch and basically whatever is on the laptop is being mirrored on to the tv.so i can click play here, push this out of the way, click on resume, push this out ofthe way and then i can start watching on the tv. so yeah, you do have the option of usinga laptop or computer, so you don't have to use a mobile device. and more good news for people, iflix are workingon improving their billing to make it a little bit smoother and perhaps more options andbecause of that, they are actually offering people a thirty day free trial at the momentinstead of the fourteen day free trial. not
only that but you don't have to go throughsms verification, all you have to do is put in an e-mail address and password and boom,you’ve got thirty days of free access to iflix. so that's pretty cool, so if you'rewatching, jump on that now because that could go back to the fourteen days at any point,so jump on it now and get your free 30 days. you don't have to give them any details, justan e-mail address and a password you want to use. now i have been using this for a while nowand it really works perfectly. i haven't had any stutters or anything like that, it worksjust as well as it does on the phone. and that's what i like about iflix, they’rereally like on the cutting edge of technology,
unlike some of the other companies like blink;i reviewed them, their software was absolutely awful and there is another service which irecently looked at here in the philippines and i am not going to name it and i am notplanning to review them because it doesn't even deserve to be reviewed, but they werestill relying on active x, so i mean, come on. if you watch my previous video you know thatthe chromecast is not the only way to get iflix on the big screen. you have other optionslike plugging in cables which is kind of a hassle and even those cables are prettyexpensive; at least for apple devices, bit cheaper for the android devices because youcan g et generic ones quite commonly. another option for the android devices isthe kindle fire tv. is it the kindle fire
tv or just fire tv? anyway, the amzon firetv, whether you get the box or the tv stick, you can mirror your android device to the bigscreen and that works okay but i guess the chromecast has a benefit, if you have a familywhere one person has apple one other person has android, both of them can work with thechromecast; so the chromecast is good in that way, it supports both. so there's not much else to say, to be honestbecause it just works and that's the way things should be. the thing is, a lot of people likeiflix and they enjoy watching it on their computer on their cell phone, but the tv,that's where it's at because people want to sit back and they want to relax as a familyand watch it on the big screen. and people
were saying on their facebook, “add airplayâ€,“add chromecast supportâ€, add this, add this, “we want to watch it on the big tvâ€and it didn't take that long until they have added chromecast support. i think they haven'tadded yet apple airplay but hopefully they'll be just as quick on that as they have on thechromecast support. now if you're wondering why i have been playinga lot of content when i am speaking, of course there's copyright issues, said i don't wantto play too much content and then have youtube complain at me saying hey, you don't havepermission to run ten minutes of conan o'brien or whatever.
so, i hope you enjoyed the video. if you haveany questions put them in the comments section
below and please remember to subscribe forfuture videos and like i said, jump on that iflix promo, thirty of free access just byentering an e-mail address. there's no reason not to jump on that.