Android TV dlna player

hola que tal in today's video we will showlike watching movies media center kodi on our tv smarttv or chromecastdlna through the protocol, ie we can send movies to our smarttvwhile using the phone opening any other application at the same time. to do this we need to install the applicationallcast available on google play for free

Android TV dlna player, this application is basically a playermultimedia content that redirects dlna devices connected to our networkwifi we must also unloaded a file calledplayercorefactory who fails in the description video and will create severalkodi new options in the application,

your browser may not display filesome folders that are going to show it hidden if so you should look at the optionsbrowser and click on display files hidden we must copy this file using the followingroute, then click on android data thenkodi kodi xbmc org files and finally user data and paste. kodi and return closereopen it for the changes to take effect catoal entered the list already madea video previously seek a film and i will show the new options wenow after the change shows i've done, i leave you clicked on one of the optionsreproduction and playing us the option appears

pulse using this option and i geta list with several vcrs, as we can see by default has allcast,if you want to see the movie on the phone we click on the second option calleddvd player these options can be modified by addingother players that do not appear in the list if we open the file playercorefactorywith a text editor. as we see the structure is repeated in allplayers name appears here we see in the list and the system folderwhere the player is installed, for example if we replace the player mxplayerfor all connect is a dlna player we delete the folder name that appearshere and put the one in the folder

data data in the case of all connect iscom tuxera streambels. if we put another default playerother than allcast we can do moving us to bottom and eliminating where it appears theallcast word and entering the name another player from the list. having explained this we will make a pulsationshort to open by default and allcast began to search within the network wifismart tv or there connected chromecast so i click ezcast and appears to us playerto fast forward or pause the movie, i will open the camera and as we already have the movieredirect the television.this dlna

Android TV dlna player

it serves to watch movies, series or ducumentalesrecorded but not to watch tv channels except

some of music well up here we featured videosee you in another video do not forget to mention that i was so soon

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