we hope you love your purchases on ebay, however we know that sometimes you may need to return an itemyou've bought. in this video, we'll show you how to submit a return request to your seller on ebay. first, login to your account on ebay.com.
Android TV ebay, go to my ebay at the top of the screenand click purchase history. on this page, you'll see a list of all your recent ebay purchases. find the item you'd like to return andto the right of this click on
more actions and select return this item in thedrop down menu. if your item is defective or doesn't matchthe description in the listing you're covered by the ebay money backguarantee. this coverage means you can oftenrequest a return even if the listing doesn't specify a return policy. let's continue with the returns process.from the drop down menu selected the reading you'd like toreturn the item. you can also add comments or any photos you'd like to share withthe seller but please note that any photos you share maynot be removed
after your request has been submitted. you may have to pay the return costsdepending on the reason for your return and the seller's return policy. if you're returning your item to aninternational seller you will need to make shipping arrangements outside of theebay label system. when you're ready to start the returnclick the request a return button. you'll now see confirmation that your return request has been sent to theseller. you'll also see the date the seller has torespond by.
if your request is automatically approvedyou'll be able to print off your return label straight away in some cases you'll have to wait forthe seller to respond to your return request as indicated on the screen before youreturn the item. if you are returning an item tointernational seller please work with the seller to determine who is responsible for return costs. you can see more details about yourreturn at the bottom of this page. if you'd like you can add more photos toshare with your seller. remember, photos cannot be removed afteryou've attached them to your
return request. after you've submitted your return request youcan check the status of your return by going to my ebay at the top of yourscreen. on the my ebay page find the item you've submitted the return forand click on the see return details button. this will take you back to the returndetails page showing the status of your return.
we hope this video has helped explain ourreturns process.
to start a return, click on the returnitem button. for more help with returning an item orto contact us please visit our customer service pages.