Android TV emulator for mac

hey guys, what's going on, it's don here from novaspirit tech and today we are going to be installing mac os system 7.55 on our raspberry pi using vmac emulator, so let's get started. so here's a little preview of what i'm doing on my mac os. doesn't this bring back so much memories?

Android TV emulator for mac, and imagine all the games that, when you were a child, you wanted to play? here's your chance. now before we begin, i've gotta say that i had a lotta fun doing this. i didn't imagine i did,

it's a lot of nostalgic feelings coming back, when i'm playing a lot of the old games on mac, ah, it was a lot of fun doing this project. i did simplify everything, so i made it so you just need to download a couple of things. when i did it i had to download a billion things, then compile, then do it again, it was a huge headache. so i'm gonna sum everything up so you only have to download a couple of files.

alright, so, to begin we're gonna head over to my website, like i said, i'll leave all the links in the description below. download this file. which i already did download. and then head over to... you see where it's "roms"? i can't distribute the file, but i can at least show you where to get 'em. once you head over to this website, you're gonna download mac ii.7zip and that's gonna download the rom file so it allows it to boot up the system. ok, after everything's all downloaded,

i'm gonna create a folder in my root of my raspberry pi so i'm gonna do "cd mkdir mac" "mkdir mac" and then i'm gonna copy the stuff that i just downloaded, called "mac.7z", over to my folder "mac". and i'm gonna "cp ~/downloads/977... something something macintosh .7z" "mac" i'm gonna change my directory to "mac" now.

i should have two files in there right now. so what i'm gonna do is "p7unzip" "p7zip", sorry, "-d" to de... de... i can't even think of that word. uh, decrypt? de... decompress. there you go. decompress. "mac.7z" and then i'm gonna decompress the next file.

now, if you guys don't have 7zip you can can just do "sudo apt-get install p7zip" and it will install the software for you. now, the next one i'm going to do is "p7zip -d 97..." and i hit "tab" to autocomplete. now, both the files are done, and extracted. i'm gonna move the "97" to capital "m" "a" "c", two "i"s, which is "macii" dot capital "rom". that's what you need for the software to know that that's the file. now that is done. i also included the windows version, i compiled the windows version with mac ii, 8 megs of ram, colour, and all that stuff.

so if you wanted to play this on windows, it's fine, i have it in this file too, if you want to download it. now, the first thing we need to do is create a disk. so we're gonna call it, we're gonna use my software, called... so we're gonna do "sh ./" so i just wrote this little script that will download the software that you need to create the hfs file system. and also create it, and also allow you to adjust the name and the size of it. i'll minimise this so this one's easier to see.

i'm going to name the disk "mac" and the size of it is... you can do anything, so i'm going to say 200 megabytes. all right, there we have it so we should have a file called "mac.dsk" all right, so now that everything is all set up for us to do stuff, i'm going to run "minivmac" if i could type. oh, you know what i need to do? "chmod +x" to turn it into an executable "minivmac" now i can run it.

all right, here we have it. it's going to say that you're going to have this little error with the disk. so the way i compile this, this is half the size of a 1080, so when you full-screen it looks a lot better. first thing we need to do is open our file manager, this way it's much easier to do what we need to do. go to that folded we created, and there's a "system 7". throw the install right in, and it's going to boot up to install 7.0. once this is loading, if you want to make this faster here's a little cheat: hold "ctrl h", hit "s" for "speed up" and "a" for "all out". so i'm going to hit ok,

and now it says it can't be installed on install disk 1. so, that disk that we made earlier called "mac.dsk", just drag that right in and now you can install it. ok, now that asked me for the second disk and we'll go back and drop this second image, now it's going to ask me for that that, we'll drop the third image printing drop the printing image fonts

drop the fonts image and stick the install image back in and it was successful! now we go ahead quit, restart our system. it's still going to look for a disk so let's go back into moving our mac disk over, and now it boots up into 7. now you're going to notice it's just black and white and not really that cool,

we're going to get to that part in a sec. move your install disk over. and in here i have "7.55" and "753". so, the "753" is what we need to upgrade, first. so we're going to install the "01of19". [click] "agree". and it's going to, basically, upgrade the system from 7.0 to 7.53. now here's the trick: don't just hit "install" you have to go to "custom install",

because if you don't do custom install you can't get colour working. so, basically, select *everything* here because that's what we all want. aaaaaand mouse wheel doesn't work, i forgot. everything, you just want to install everything - make sure you didn't miss anything. now, in this "system software" over here, what we're going to do is just check off this one, the top one, "software for this macintosh". hit "install" all right, so here we are, we're done with this installation, and we could just hit the little "restart" button,

and you're going to have to load in the "mac" disk again. i'll teach you how to get rid of that, or fix that in a second, but let's boot into the mac, and you're going to notice that now when we boot it up, it's actually going to be able to do colour. so it's rebuilding the desktop, now we got this little cool desktop icon thing. and i'm going to give this a second while it's doing its thing, and then we'll still need to do one more upgrade from 7.53 to 7.55. they made some pretty significant changes between that time, so i would definitely try to do that.

now to change everything into color, just select this little thing called "display". change it to "256 colors". and there we have it: colour mac. now, let's, once we move back into the installation disk, we're going to close this, i don't think i need. i need the 7.55. whoops i clicked on the wrong one. "continue". this one was the 7.01 system,

i just threw it in there just in case, but you've got to click the "7.55 update-1of3", and it's going to extract the files for you. and you need to use this program called "disk copy". so what disk copy does is basically allows you to open those files. and it's pretty smart actually, you could just drag and drop. and then now it creates that image, i could hit "installer" and it's going to bring me to 7.55 upgrade,

basically upgrade from 7.53 all the way to 7.55. now, before i get ahead of myself, i actually have to do the rest of these files, to mount the rest i think. let's do that. now i hit "install", it should be able to read all the disk images all in one shot. now, i hit "agree". and all you have to do is just hit "install". all right time, to reboot.

remember i said i was going to teach you how to fix this? let's do that now. so, basically, in the command line, you just have to type in "minivmac" and your disk. and now it's always going to load that disk every time you restart. i'm going to show you a couple of things that i've been doing on this operating system to get everything *functional* you could say. or more or less, fun. so, obviously you can see that there's a lot of new,

well, a lot of *old* programs. notepad, everything seems to work. there are configurations that you could do. in settings, just change the colours, if you want to change the desktop wallpaper, i believe it was, like... "control panel"... "colors", i believe? "desktop patterns", there you go. i'm going to switch to desktop patterns.

i could make some, make it look pretty cool. i like to choose this one, i don't know why, it's just the grayer of the gray. and there is no internet. there's actually a plug-in that you could try, to get the internet. i haven't got that to work. i don't really care for it. i don't really need it. if i needed the internet, i'd just hop right out. to get it to full screen, you do "h".

you see how there's a help menu? and then you do "f" for full screen. and that's how full screen looks like. double of 1080, so it looks a lot, it's very easy to read, and it feels like a really cool mac when you do this. now that we have all our systems and everything in place what can we do with this? now here's the cool part: i'm going to get out of full screen for now, and i'm going to show you,

there's a bunch of websites i found. "my abandonware" basically have games from all that time. full games. and if you wanted to look for mac games, basically, click on "mac". and it has games that you are so used to. oh, man, brings back memories. and then old mac software, this is another website called "macintosh repository"

i'm gonna leave all the links on my website, so you know where to get all this stuff. you need games or anything, or microsoft word, or photoshop, or stuff like that, just, just to bring back the old feelings, here it is. so... okay, it's not popping up as the first find,

because i should have just typed in "sim city 2000". and when you click on one of these packs, scroll down a little bit and it'll tell you what operating system it's for. so basically you have system 7x all the way to 9.22. so this will work on our system. so after you download this, you can load it into your mac and then play a game. this is what i'm using, called "mini vmac". and it allows me to compile to arm,

that's why i'm using this version. now here they actually have a bunch of software that you could use, so when you head over to the website and hit "extras" there's something called "importfi". and this software basically allows you to drag and drop files and everything right into the emulator. so definitely download this file. and i would extract it. show in folder... uhhh...

i don't even know where it's saved to, because i have so many stuff over here. so, "extract here". let's see, let's see. "importfi" here it spits out a little disk image. drag that over. and now you have this program called "importfi". now, what i would do before anything,

is actually move it into my mac folder. like so. that way its installed in my system, and i don't lose it, because it's a very important program. so once i hit "importfi", it's going to have this little thing right here. i'm going to drag this text file over. and as soon as i drag it over it says "select destination..." i'm going to save it to my desktop.

"save" there we have it. the file transferred over to my mac system. now, that's how you load anything you want into your mac system without having to shut it down and using a linux command to transfer stuff over. so anytime you want to play a game or something like that you would have to transfer it over that way.

now a couple of applications i would definitely suggest you to get is "stuffit explore", that's what they use to pack all these games, so anytime you see a file that says "sit" that means a "stuffit". and the second one is "toast". later on, when you go to the newer games, they are all cd images, so toast is another software you want to get

so you could extract the cd images and mount it and install those games. if you guys enjoyed this video, please hit that "like" button. i know i did, i'm still playing with the mac on the raspberry pi. i can't let it go, there's so many old games i just want to play and beat i don't know. if you guys haven't done so already, hit that little "subscribe" button underneath,

Android TV emulator for mac

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