Android TV emulator n64

hello everybody it's a techtipsta dayanswering a viewer's submit a question on how to exit the new pin 64 plusemulator with the gamepad now if you followed my previous setupvideos you will notice that we have a good starting point but some emulators need specifictweaking to work as you want them

Android TV emulator n64, move in 64 is one of these emulators toexit out emulator using the gamepad first went to press f-four to get to the council and one todetermine which game pad button will use as exec e

type js test space flash dev slash inputs less chair 0 just as i am onscreen have jazeera does not work type js1 or js to make sure you remember the js number youdo use as ruiz is in the configuration file for me been sixty-four press the button on your game pad whichwill be a exec e please not only one button can beassigned as an exit button and this is not a drill press escapefrom the emulator as in our other video: as he presses buttonyou will see a toggle on the screen

in my case its butthead which is myx-box button on the x-box game pad want to remember this number as adenny's is in a configuration as well now you wanna push control plus eat eggsat the gamepad test program and i want to edit amu been sixty-fourconfiguration file typing this type studio space nano spaceford slash upped fourth class retro pie fourth suchconfigs for trash and 64 for trash move been sixty-four plasteredcfg this is case sensitive some actuallytype it as shown on screen and use the tab key is your toppingtoward a complete directory and file

names hit enter and will be greeted with aconfiguration file 13 in the configuration file hit control plus tubyou to bring up the search box and search for joy mapping stop eventand you'll be taken to the same place as i am on the screen and looking at aboutexit key you can see here my jury mapping stopequals j 0 be eight in quotes jazeera becausethat was the gamepad port from js test and b8 because by tonight was my chosenexit kitty replaces era and night with the numbersyou read em before exactly is this it

here and we had done the control plus x2 exitthis fall press y to save and hit and it i've read original file top emulation station to be back into afriend then and we can now

Android TV emulator n64

test the exit button so that the guys onscreen as me de mining the exec a and it's as simple as that hope youenjoy this quick tutorial remember to leave a comment and the likesubscribe if you haven't already and i'll see cussing

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