Android TV netflix

hey guys, i'm thiojoe back with another tutorial this time, i'm gonna show you how you can get entire year of netflix for free this is gonna work whether you are currently

Android TV netflix, in a trial, a 30 day trial or whether you already signed up. and subscribed to netflix so if you don't wanna pay anything at all

you are gonna sign up for your trial and then get that year or if you already subscribed it's a one year free from the moment you do this this is apparently a secret bonus they did for people who were able to find this promo i had a friend actually send this in to me and i wanted to share it with you guys so what we have to do is to go to netflix website and i'll show you exactly what you have to do so why don't we go over to the computer and i'll walk you through it ok so we are at computer

and this is just the main netflix browse page so this is like the main thing you see if you go to the netflix website, you just look through all the shows but we are concerned with the search bar, and this is actually i guess how they put it in for people to find it now what you want to do is just type inthe following you want to type in 'free' with four e's then what you're going tosee is this funny looking emoticon it says huh, so obviously this is some sort of easter egg and when you click it though it's gonna change

and now it'll show these little smiley faces and it says 'you got it' not very descriptive but this means that you did it correctly okay so that might seem like it's it but it's not that's just the first part now i didn't know what was gonna happen after that i didn't get any message or anything and the next few days i actually got asurprise letter in the mail from no one other than netflix and what it says isdear joe thanks for enrolling in a free year of netflix on us your current planwill remain in effect at no cost for the next 12 months

enjoy and it has a unique code a promocode so if you try to use this it wouldn't work and then i'm going to showyou how you can actually redeem this so you can get that free year so let's go back to the computer and i'll show you that as well so once you get the code what you wantto do is go to the account page so it's my account where it shows all youraccount information and then go to the bottom where it says gifts and offers and then you can just type in whatevercode they gave you so mine was free year 9 1 3 9

again this is unique so don't bothertrying to use it and then we can click redeem and then it says success so weknow it worked and now we can refresh the page and see if it updates the plan ok and now we see it says you are on aspecial free plan for the next 11 months i guess it's going to count down as itgoes on but you can see that now it's the same plan as before except it iscompletely free so that's pretty cool ok so that's it all you have to reallydo is access that secret promo wait for the letter to come in the mailand then you get a free year now i'm not sure if they're going to bedoing this for everyone everyone i've

told about this and had try it, workedfor them however if i release this video andeveryone starts doing it i'm not sure if it's going to be limited to a certainnumber of people so be sure to do it right now while you just find out about it or else it might not work in future i really have no idea but either way i hope this helped you guys get a free year of netflix, if it did let us now in the comments section how it worked out for you and if if you liked this video be sure to give it a thumbs up

so i know you enjoyed it if you wanna continue watching i've got some other videos on the right hand side you can justclick those or look in the description for the same link like if you're on aphone and if you want to subscribe i make new videos three times a weekmonday wednesday friday so i think it

Android TV netflix

should be worth it i look forward to hearing from you guyseither in the comments section or on twitter as well so thanks for watching i will see younext time have a good one

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