Android 7.0

hi everyone, aaron here from zollotech and android nougat 7.0 has been out for a couple of days now i've been running it on my nexus 6p i really liked this device and i've actually been running the beta version of android nougat for a few months now since they

Android 7.0, originally announced that it would be available and it's pretty solid the first version was a little bit unstable as to be expected but after that it's been really really stable and this one has been great

battery is fantastic. but let's talk about the changes now the first thing that they've change is they've actually added 72 new emoji. so right now there is over 1500 different emoji's that you can pick from so if i go into here you will see all the different categories and i can just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and there is just quite a few so that's one thing they've added. they've also added multi-locale language settings

so if we go into the settings, we'll go into , scroll down here and we go into languages, and languages and you'll see they've got a ton of different languages here also to pick from. and you basically should be able to find your language somewhere in here so that's really nice, also. one of my favourite features with this device or with nougat rather is the

ability to do multiple windows at once so if i open pocket casts for example, this is a podcasting app for those that aren't familiar and if i tap and hold the app switcher button here i can go back to settings and run both at once i can slide this little slider, resize it, everything resizes nicely. it's really really great and the nice thing is if i hit it again we can just pick something else if we want

hit is again, and it goes back if i want to get rid of that i can justbring it back to full screen if i want to go back to the other app i justdouble tap this button it goes right back and i thought i wouldn't use thatbut i use that an awful lot and i really really like that feature really simpledouble tap and go back use it all the time instead of the back button throughthe app itself now you've kind of got a back button for your application so it'sreally nice and definitely something that's a nice addition that they sort oftook from samsung but incorporated and it works alot more easily and quickly. now

internally they've changed some thingsthey basically made the vulcan api available and what that is it's ahigh-performance 3d graphics back-end that allows it to run basically 3d gamesa lot more smoothly and should be a lot better now i haven't really played awhole lot of games on here but those that have said that they see someimprovements you'll see that more with virtual reality and those sort of thingswhich is actually now built in so that's something that's also new as well andproject daydream from google should be fairly soon here at least we think basedon rumors and that's their own vr headset will incorporate basically asimilar thing to the galaxy vr where

this will slot in and you'll be able touse that as i mentioned before battery life has been great and they actuallycall it doze in android nougat so let's go back into the settings and that kindof gone to it from the other place here actually normally do go through the topnotifications but right here you'll see here's the battery as i haveapproximately 12 hours left now what i've found is now that we've got dozeand doze on the go it basically helps you save battery power when you're onthe move so it puts things into a low-power mode meaning other apps into alow-power mode when you're carrying it and knows when you're carrying it it reallydoes a good job but actually in standby

can last days i'll actually put it awaysay on a friday at least through the bed anyway put it away on the fridayand three days later it still has plenty of charge at least fifty percent if noteighty percent or more now in the battery you can see everything that'susing the applications it's just a really good i don't have to manage anyof these and i don't have to close apps and its really good on battery one ofthe great things about android nougat is the notifications and the tweaks they'vemade to that i've been missing it while testing out the galaxy note 7 so if i pull this down here the app drawer you'll see i have two notifications 1 forweather one for youtube if i tap and

hold on this i can make some changes ican show notifications silently block all notifications or don't silence and block them i can have more settingsand in more settings you'll see that i have a few more options for the lockscreen or override do not disturb things like that there's also bundled notifications indirect reply i don't have any of those in here but if i get multiplenotifications to my gmail account or different email accounts it willactually put them all in one bundle let's go back here we'll put them all inone bundle in this one small area and

then i can kind of drill down by pullingdown and reply directly there i've also got quick reply on the top sowe've got all these different things my wi-fi cellular battery etc if i pulldown you've got all of these different things that i'm using for notificationsoon enough i hit edit i can change these and move them around so if i wantto drag these up here switch to night mode for example put it up here i can dothat go back and now it's in here as well sonow i've got night mode so it's really nice really simple and we've got thosecustom settings that make it just more convenient to use overall now we alsohave data saver so if i go into

settings here and go to data usage yousee i haven't used much i'm on wi-fi most of the time thanks to project fi itactually works really well that way and you'll see i can limit things so i canturn on data saver there we go flip this on here and whatwe can do is restrict applications from using data so we'll go in here and youcan see unrestricted data access so i can turn any of these on or off that iwant to and restrict the data access pretty simple but it's nice that it'sactually just built in like that one neat feature is display size so if i gointo settings again and then we go down to display and we also can change thesize itself so not only can we change

the font we can change the size of thedisplay so here you'll see this is the default i can make it larger and therewe go - can make it larger i don't know if it crashed there whatthere we go large or back to default and nougathasn't really lagged on me until just this moment so i'm not sure what that'sall about but you've got that option as well for display size and you've got alot of security built in as well so there's seamless updates they've beenpushing updates to the nexus phones for every month or so which is really nice you've also got file based encryptionand direct boot so you can start your

device faster, apps runs run moresecurely and even before you enter your password but you can't get through thepassword without entering your password by using your fingerprint really nicelittle changes now those are all the real physical changes there's a lot oflittle fixes in the background this bug fixes and speed improvements and i thinkmost impressively for me is the notifications the split screen and thebattery life so that's pretty much it for android nougat not a huge hugeupdate but a really nice refinement update and i actually really enjoy usingit definitely one of those things that i'm glad to see them tweaking over andover and there should be some changes to

google now and more of an assistantcoming later also so more siri like i guess that they showed it at the developerconference so i can't wait for more of those features to be incorporated aswell let me know what you think of android nougat in the comments below ifyou've updated maybe you don't have a phone yet such as a note 7 that shouldbe getting it within a month or two i

Android 7.0

believe samsung said but let me knowwhat you think if you have a nexus device and you've checked it out let usknow in the comments below if you haven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and like as always thanks for watching this is aaron i'll see you nexttime

Android 7.0 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras