[music playing] daniel barreto: haystacktv started in 2013 as a startup coming out ofstanford startx accelerator. we were frustrated withhow news was getting out, because every timewe turn on the tv,
Android TV news, we had to watch the samenews as everybody else. our elevator pitchhere at haystack tv is that we enablepeople to watch the news that they care about.
one of the decisions we hadto make at the beginning was what platform to start with. as a small startup,we needed a platform that would allow usto iterate quickly. we got that with android. ish harshawat: theteam at haystack tv really loves workingwith android. the documentation is reallyclear and easy to use. it can be a lot of funto program for android.
daniel barreto: ourusers wanted to watch the news in their livingrooms, in their tvs. and there wasn't a platformout there for them to do that. ish harshawat: a lot ofthe smart tvs to date have been prettyproprietary closed systems that have been hard fordevelopers like us to access. with android tv, we wereable to finally open the door into the living room. even though a developer caneasily take their mobile app
and throw it on android tv,what works really well we found, was to actually design anandroid tv first experience. developing for androidtv was super fast. we literally did it two weeks. daniel barreto: we'veseen amazing results after integrating withandroid tv and chromecast. originally, ourmobile users were spending an averageof 40 minutes per week watching the news.
now we've actually doubled that. our growth trajectory isreally strong right now. we've managed to growat 40% month over month since we started. and a big part of that isthe integration with the tvs. it's a new beta testingfeature that android released. it allowed us to reach ourearly beta and alpha testers. and it also allowed us tointegrate with google+, so that we can reach differentcommunities of early adopters.
that was extremelypowerful for us. a small startup like ours isnow able to make a big impact
with just six people, reachingout to millions of users. and a lot of it is thanksto the tools and platform that we have with google.