morning guys so welcome back to the andrewwilliams channel where we review the latest in apps technology and mobile phones. in thisvideo i'm going to show you guys where to get kodi from for your android device andhow to set it up. now unlike most of the apps i show you guys how to install, kodi is actuallyavailable from the play store. so the first thing you want to do is had over there. nowonce you're in the play store quite simple
Android TV nexus player, search for kodi and click on install. it'sas simple as that. ok so it says kodi has been installed into our device so we're goingto go ahead and open it. so what i just want you guys to do quickly is subscribe to mychannel please and give this video a like and it will enable you to keep up to datewhen i release the next video on really how
to delve into kodi a bit further. ok so nowwe want to set kodi up, quite easy go into your apps and open kodi. then let it do whatits got to do. ok so after you've after you've had a little look at kodi the first thingyou want to do is go into the system settings. within the system settings what we're actuallygoing to do now is click on file manager and then add a source. now in the top box whatyou want to add is and now what we want to do is give it a click on the bottom box and i'd suggest starting it with a dot. sp type in .fusion.ok so now that was really easy so what i want you guys to do, is go back to the home screen.ok now when your in the home screen what i want you to do is go to videos and then selectadd ons. once your within the add ons section
i need you to click on get more. it will comeup with a first run help thing, just disregard that. ok now we're in the get more bit it'sgoing to load up all of the stuff that kodi comes pre loaded with now at the very topthey'll be two dots. click on this, this means go up or go back so i want you to go backuntil you can see install from zip file and we can see that at the top there. ok to installfrom the zip file click on it and then click on the .fusion which is what we created. onceyou've done that click on start here and within that menu you'll see the hub wizard. clickon the hub wizard and thats going to install it from the zip file, and it'll pop up inthe bottom right when thats done. and so the next step is to go back to the home screen,click on programs then click on program add
ons and then click on the config wizard. nowafter we've clicked on config wizard it'll load up various different types of operatingsystems and in this example we're going to click on android because we're installingit on android and then click yes. ok so once you've clicked yes it's going to downloadso this is nice and simple just wait for it to do what it's got to do. ok so while waitingfor it to do whats it got to do, don't worry i'm going to speed this up. do us a favourguys click on that subscribe box below and like this video and leave a comment and it'llhelp you guys to be notified when i release my next video. so what it's doing at thispoint is it's going to download the whole thing and then it's going to extract the package,or the zip file. ok so guys so we should now
have a working kodi with an add on and youcan see that its changed slightly in appearance within the app. now it's time to have a littlelook at kodi. ok so lets have a look. go on videos and then click on velocity on hereclick on movies and what you can then do is click on whats popular at the moment. ok sowhats popular at the moment is those films and in this example lets click on the avengersand let kodi do it's thing it might take a few seconds so just bear with it. ok so it'llthen bring up a list of places of which you can watch the film. in this example i'll clickon the top one, but you can see that you can get it in hd and 720p as well and wait forkodi just to open that stream. ok so we can see how this easy was and now kodi is doingit's thing and playing the avengers. i'm not
going to play it for copyright purposes butthats how easy it was to stream one of the most popular films out at the minute. ok guysso firstly i just wan to say thank you to those of you who have subscribed to my videos,i can't tell you how much i appreciate it and without people subscribing and likingmy videos i'm not going to be able to continue making more, but the way it's going i am goingto be making more and i'm really really enjoying it. big shout out to those who are followingme. huge shout out to you guys in the us who are now contributing most of my views andsubscribers as well as the uk, canada, ireland,
philippines, netherlands, malaysia, indiaand many more. so just click that red box below and subscribe to the andrew williamschannel, where we review the latest in apps,
technology and mobile phones. thanks againguys hope this has helped out, leave a comment below and we will see you in the next video.