this is for those who can't see the tvmenu including if you cannot see this tv menu on your cody can be for severalreasons one is a few misspelled the path of the iptv url list or the list have noactive for a valid links another answer to this is a corrupted or damaged filescody himself or you may have to clear the cache to fix this you should go tosystem settings and disable tv option
Android TV not working, now go to athens my addons mpv ourclient's and now set up a new pvr in this case of iptv simple client nowdisabled and configure the new clients choose the location and then placed acorrect m3u playlists in the epg settings the same thing setup the epg time sheriff with your
coordinated universal time if you goingto add channels long 'cause case the correct url now enable the ppr clientand reboot your body is needed then go to system settings enabled the tv menuand at the same time you should see
propagating the channel list if not trywith a fresh cody install also some internet providers and block somechannels it's also another high possibility to happen but outside thescope of this video again you find a link in the description of this video