samsung galaxy s7 and galaxy s7 edge havegot official android nougat beta release ,i've been using this release forabout 7 days and i've decided to do a detailed review to share with you my experienceand to help you decide weather to use it as a daily driver or not,-the review is 7 parts , i highly recommend to watch all of it but you can usethe timeline in the video
Android TV nougat features, description to watch only the part you need. -for those who want to root theirdevices , i'm gonna do a tutorial on how to root galaxy s7 running androidnougat so make sure to subscribe and enable the channel notifications to beupdated once the video is published.
installation i've done a detailed tutorialon how to install android nougat on your device , make sure to watch it, the videotutorial link is in the video description. -many s7 users asked me some questions soi'm gonna share it with you 1- will the installation affect the devicewarranty? no it won't ,cs it isan official release from samsung. 2-can i downgrade to mm after upgrading tonougat? yes you can 3-can i install android nougatif i'm running custom rom? yes you can install it what ever custom romyou have.
performance -for the first time on samsungdevices you can choose the performance profile you need -there are 4profiles (normal which is the default mode, game,entertainment,and highperformance) -every profile has a different settings to give you the best performanceaccording to your needs but you can modify those settings if you want. -some of you will ask me if inoticed any changes between the 4 modes modes, and i'm gonna answer yourquestion by doing a simple test -i've done a benchmarking test using antutuapp while normal mode is active and here is the score-then i've done the same test while performance
mode is active-now you can see the difference -so if you want better performance then choosethe performance mode but keep in mind that this will affect your battery life-for more information check battery life part. -according to my experience while using thedevice in normal mode that every thing running flawlesslyand the device is very responsive,but you can use performance modefor better responses and smoothness. -ram management is great , you can run morethan 5 apps in the
background and switch between them very fastand you also still able to run more apps at the same speed regardless howmuch ram space you have. sensors sensors and gps antenna are very importantto your device so i'm gonna check them very quick -as you see all thesensors responding nicely accelerometer , gyroscope, light sensor, proximitysensor and i've never experienced any bugged sensors in the past7 days gps antenna is perfect , it caches a 3d fixwhile indoor and the accuracy is very very good for navigation. -battery life battery life still the samelike mm for me but keep in mind that
the battery usage vary from user to another,while using the device in normal mode(making calls, playing light games,usingcommon apps like what's app telegram and chrome) over wifi, i've got 24hours on battery and more than 5 hours sot which is almost the same for meon mm -while using the device in performance mode (location enabled,using googlemaps for navigation,making voice calls over 2 hours) i've got 17 hourson battery and 4 hours sot which is also the same for me on mm while heavyusage. -the good part in nougat thatyou have the ability to change the screen resolution and performance mode toget more battery life.
-power saving mode is available with 2 options1-medium power saving mode 2-maximum power saving mode which is the same likeupsm but with a different user interface. gaming performance is awesome as it was inmm -you still have game launcher and you can adjust gaming performance settingsas you used to do before. -gametools have the same features but in this version you can see the recent appson the right side of the screen -i've tested some high graphic games and allof them running nicely no lags or stutters or slow responses -you can get thebest gaming experience by activating game mode , which is completely newfeature in android nougat.
features part i'm not gonna waste your timeso i will show you every thing very quick -this is the lock screen with twoapp shortcuts and you can change those shortcuts or turn them off if you want. -right swipe on home screen forup day -theme store is not ready yet but you still have the ability to changeyour home and lock screen wallpapers using the default ones or from yourgallery -widgets -screen grid -press and hold any app on the home screenwill show pop up menu which is much easier to control your apps -home screenadjustments still the same -those are the apps you will got after installingnougat beta ( samsung apps, google apps, microsoft
apps) -as you see all thesystem apps have a different looking icons -let's check some of them (clock,calc, calender, memo-air messages-s browser,gallery, file manager) -phone app,you still have the same layout but the background is completely different asyou see -there is a new app samsung my galaxy it gives you some helpful tipsoffers and news -this is the power menu, no changes -volume control menu -onehit on menu button will brig the recent apps as you see it looks slimmer -toactivate split screen , just drag any window to the top of the screen thenchoose any app that supports multi-window -to activate pop up window drag thewindow to the center of the screen -you can
switch between the recent apps bydouble tab on the menu button. -pressing and hold menu button will do nothing.-so the recent apps and menu button functions are just like stock androiddevices not like we used to have before on samsung tw ui. -you still have theability to use pop up view by swiping from both corners on the top of thescreen -notification toggles has been changed completely from samsung tw ui tobe like stock android devices -you have 6 toggles in quick access bar ,9toggles in landscape, you an edit them as you want -the second swipe willshow all the notification toggles and the
brightness slider -quick pull downwith two fingers still available -there is no auto brightness button here,it's only available in display settings -those are all the toggles you have-if you press any title under the toggle you will access to more settingsrelated to the selected toggle -blue light filter is available and you cancontrol the opacity as you want to use your device at night. -private mode,screen mirroring all those running with out any problem -you can reorient thetoggles using the three dot menu and hit edit -android easter egg toggle isavailable, and this is kinda a game like pokemon
go i think, if you enable thelocation it will catch a cat or a fish according to your selection. -thesettings menu is just like the note 7 and it's very informative , as you seethe information below every tab, let's check them -connections , blue toothconnections running nicely without any problem,only three network modes. -allsounds still the same , sound alive is available with the same options. -allthe apps notification as so easy to access
than before -all the displayoptions ( auto brightness, blue light filter , screen resolution) -aod newsoftware with all the new layouts ,all third party icons can appear on aod -youcan double tab on any icon to open it and this feature was only available onnote 7 devices , now you have it your galaxy s7 -theme store is not ready yeton beta release -advanced features -device maintenance is completely newfeature -it will optimize your device very fast and it is much better thansmart manager -5 shortcuts for battery , performance mode , storage , ram,device security -you still don't have the ability to format sd card as internaladoptable storage.
-lock screen and security -finger print isworking ,i didn't notice any improvement or any differentresponse -all language are supported -all keyboard language inputs aresupported too -camera software ha a different layout and gestures but all theoptions still the same -swipe right for camera modes -swipe left for effects -swipeup or down to switch between front and back camera -all the modes are working,imageand video quality are the same as mm firmware. bugs and fixes -i've been using the firmwarefor almost 7 days , so i'm gonna share with you the problems i've got tillnow -s health is not working , i
think cs my device warranty is void , so ifyour device was rooted before you will got the same issue -some of the appsdidn't work normally like what's app voice messages is too low compared tomm -some of the apps didn't work at all like facebook -some users reported thatsamsung music crashing but for me every thing working without a problem. -now you will ask me , can i use it asdaily driver? the answer here depends on your needs, if you can find analternative for apps like facebook and you don't need s health then sure youcan use it as daily driver.
at the end of my review i hope i covered everything you want to know about
nougat beta release for galaxy s7 and galaxys7 edge, if my review was helpful plz hit the like button , make sureto subscribe to my channel for more videos to come, thank you for watching, peace.