welcome to my nvidia shield tv and today we're going to take a look at soft keys basically it's just your back button your home button and your recent button and some have extra features
Android TV nougat sony, you so let's go an order anywhere button anywhere key which is this one right here as you can see you can open it up
along the sides unfortunately these three buttons don't work but you have the most important ones you have your back your home and your recent so let's open it up so you can turn it on and off and the only settings they have is you can put the positions here as you can see turn them all on and there they are so when you go
home they'll open up in those six positions and they do work as you can see goes to recent home back to recent go back so it does work so that's anywhere key let's turn it off let's go to the next one next one we're going to take a look at it's handy handy soft key if you guys notice it's right here as you can see
you can move it all the way around there's no settings no nothing very simple you got your recent your home and your back no settings no nothing to this just have to turn it on and accessibility what you have to do for all of them so let's take a look at these two very quickly we'll take a look at this one first which is this back
button there it is right there you can take some of it oh your recent your home or your back button you can take out as a theme so you can change the way it looks let's move this one down change the color change the size very basic but it does the job does what you want it to do goes home so let's turn it off take a look at the next one next one is this
one right here which is the same thing it's a back button just has a little more features to it as you can see you can change the type the way they look i believe i did a video on this before but there you go you can also change the position you see the position here you can change them by moving this up and down as you can see they move around
moves it around you can change the color you have your vertical and also you have your button sizes transparency and the margin you can lock the position wherever you want it so those as you can see the button works you go home so they all work let's turn it off and go to the next one the next one is button savior which is
this one you see down here the reason i leave these two for last is because they have extra features to them they have their back your recent your home controls your volume which is pretty cool as you can see right at the top there and it has this little launch button here that opens this up it only has a few features
it opens up your settings and the next one it opens up a web page so let's add one it would be nice if you could add apps to this but it doesn't work but you can add a url so let's add one i've got one saved here cody tv so we add it so let's open it up there it is right there so as soon as you click it it's going to ask you which web browser
you want to open it in and open it up in this browser and it goes directly to it as you can see there it is and as you can see you can go home you have recent and you have your back button so let's check out the settings there ton of settings here it is the only settings you got to look at is this one right here suggest you turn off
the power the call and the camera i never asked you can move up and down by moving these buttons the next is the look and feel so you can change the way it looks put the wooden button you can see the way it looks you can also change the size see the trigger this little little trigger down here just by floating over it it opens it up or you
can have it where you have to actually select it now the button size if you think these buttons are too big well you can make them small you can change the position as you can see top right left there's a ton of kind of settings i won't go through them all but that's button savior so let's turn it off and let's take a look at the last one i
saved the best for last i know that on every video you guys see this at the bottom so this is it you can change the volume you have your back button your recent button your home button a notification button doesn't work and the power button doesn't work this little x makes it go invisible here if you wanted to this little button here and what
makes this special is this little button and this right here which opens up a floating app drawer that's why i love this so much you can add an app any app you want let's hide amazon and you're going to see that it's going to disappear from this list meaning that it's on your drawer here so when you go back in you see it disappeared that's
why i like it now it doesn't work most of these buttons here the one that does work is apps so it opens up your app drawer here with all your apps and the next one the only one is display here and sound if you click sound it opens up to display in sound so now let's go into the app itself here it is navigation bar
so we're going to take a look at the float button which is this button right here so you can change the color the transparency you can make it invisible that's the way i keep it you can change the width and height of it the other cool thing about it it has click functions so the first one by clicking on it
it opens up the navigation like this or you can switch it around and if you double click you can pick one of these so if you pick float drawer and you double click here and we'll open up the float or you can have a go back button or you can switch them around either way i like putting it invisible and making it small make sure you pick a color
that's not rarely available because it will disappear when you're looking for it next one is the navigation bar itself as you can see this transparency does not work you can change the color you can change the button size to change what size it is the margin the position if you want to keep it fixed or if you want to keep it around the border it
will snap to the border i always keep it on normal so i can move it around and the rest doesn't apply and the last one is your your drawer itself you can change the color of your drawer as you can see changes the color can't stand that color i like gray you can make these color up here black or whatever color the next is the width of
it you can make it as big as the whole screen or smaller it's up to you these are how many columns there are of apps as you can see the next is the size of the apps itself so you can make them huge as you can see they're huge make them smaller again the next one is the spacing you can change the spacing of them the vertical spacing and the
last one is your labels so that's your navigation bar so let me show you how to get these navigation but most of these floating apps most of them are in apk peer you just have to put in floating keys go to search and you put soft keys and as you can see that one right there is your back button and then you just install it so most of them are here as
you can see there's my favorite one right there now when you do install it you're going to have to go into your accessibility and as you can see you're going to have to turn them on here there's the back button button savior there's a navigation which is this your in back a back button again and anywhere key
so those are your back buttons and you're floating soft keys as always i will leave a link in the description box to every single one of these guys if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up if you guys have any questions
please leave them in the comments and i'll get back to you as soon as i can i hope you enjoyed this thank you so much
for watching and take care