okay. let's start by looking at whateach of these platforms offer. google cast provides a simplesender receiver typology which allows developers tocreate multi device experiences integrated with their existingapps on android, ios, and the web.
Android TV on chromecast, android tv simply takes android andbrings it into the living room. this makes it a deal forextending your existing android app to work in the living room whether ornot the user has their phone on them. you can integrate your service orapp with google cast, android tv, or
even better both. where to start and how to go furtherdepends on the type of service and what platforms are already integrated. in many case you can then extendto cover multiple platforms for the greatest impact and best user experience regardless ofwhat the user has driving their tv. the most common use case i heartalked about is streaming media. whether your app is on android, ios orweb your first step in building for the living room is adding ingoogle cast functionality.
now this will ensure your users willbe able to stream on all google cast ready devices including chrome cast andandroid tv. once you've finished adding google castsupport you can then extend your android app using your lean back library. allowing your users to launch andcontrol the app from their android tv. beyond this common use case,it really depends what platform you're already working on and therefore theplatform from which you're extending. if you've already got an android app, it can most easily be extended with alean back library to work on android tv.
in fact, many android apps forthe phone, tablet, and tv will all be bundledin the same app package, which simplifies the google playexperience for users. in essence, the tv is justanother form factor for your app. if you've got a web app, it can mosteasily be extended to the living room by using the google cast platform.
the chrome api takes careof rendering the app and then streaming that contentto the cast device. if you've already got an ios app, it canalso easily be extended to the living
room by using the google cast sdk forios.