- today, 100 percent free tvand movies wherever you go. (upbeat music) hi, i'm the youtube dealguy matt granite and yes, i still have my arms up like an idiot. welcome to your one-stop shop for savings.
Android TV on fire TV, i find huge deals right here every day for the awesome subscribersand if you're not subscribed, well i also give awayeverything i test for free. at the end of this video,we are going to have a free
fire tv giveaway, alsosomething tied to an ipad air giveaway exclusive for subscribers. but more importantly,what you came here for: how to watch free tv. now, i've profiled free hdtv through antennas before. i've done pieces on slingtv and other ways to pay a nominal amount ofmoney per month to enjoy basically cable on your terms, but today, with the average cable and satellite bill
north of that $100 mark, ihave something even better. now i have profiled pluto tv in the past. what i have today otherthan an app update is a completely different appthat will lock in free tv, the largest collection offree tv and movies anywhere, a download that you can enjoyfor free on apple, android, and through amazon fire tv. now no company pays me to talk about them. this is just my personal opinionto help you score the best
life has to offer at avirtually free price point. here are the three steps irecommend to score free tv: first, get a connected device. in my case, i love fire tvjust because of its under $40 price point and that it canaccess all of these great free apps of programming. step two, click the "showmore" tab right under this video window. it will reveal the links to the free apps
i'm gonna show you right now. and three, if you don't mind a few ads, you're gonna get ev4rythingyou want on demand. the first is tubi tv;now you can enjoy tubi tv on roku, android, ios, xbox 360, xbox one, amazon fire tv, samsungdevices as we're gonna show you in a moment. it even features some contentwhich isn't even available on netflix.
it's fast, it is ad supportedso you will have some of your programming precededby a couple of commercials here and there, butworth it in the long run if you don't want to pay a cable bill. the second: pluto tv. now i'm a huge pluto tvfan, and they actually just updated their app with a wayto curtail your programming interests to movies,sports, whatever it is you wanna watch, and i think they have
the nicer interface of the two. so you can easily click yourcategories, and in my case, i get a huge selection ofmovies and news on demand, even for the weather channel,which you can of course, watch in full screen. it's as good as cable and100 percent legal and free. now let's switch over to tubitv. i want to show you how quickly this loads a movie tintin for example. in real time, this is
how long it takes to get an hd movie on my screen. another cool feature is on the sidebar if you so choose, you can l leave a comment. there are some social media features which is just a nice touch. and now tintin is just playing on my laptop. no logging in. with just a basic internet connection, i'm able to enjoy thisand directly beside, on our samsung right now,
we have other programming playing absolutely free from the same source. if that's not enough for you, on the same internetconnection, we also have pluto going strong on this fire tablet. free tv, free sports all throughthe power of the internet. the app interface actuallyspectacular in my opinion, very similar to what youmight see on hulu or netflix. in fact, they even havea category of programming
not available on netflix,and a nice list of movies. all ad supported of courseand really interesting what you can get and how quicklyyou can enjoy programming. this is a full live test right now, and we didn't even get an adwith this particular movie, which is amazing. and similar to netflix orhulu, you get an add to cue, so you can press that and keep all of your programming saved.
if we were to scroll to thetv comedy category right now, you get a really nice selection. now obviously, this is notthe newest, most amazing brand-new programming, but for those of us who don't wanna pay cable, a great way to keep entertained on a dime. for those of you who want more of a television-like experience, the interface and guidethat you find with pluto tv,
a little bit more tv like,similar to what you might find with sling tv or another program. this is more on-demand,fewer ads in our experience, and yes, you get news programming. pluto tv a little bit more news focused. you get bloomberg tv,nbc news, business news, other programming thatyou can of course enjoy in both horizontal and vertical formats. and similar to tubi tv,
i wanna show you how fast pluto tv is. now as a free app on a veryaverage internet connection, watch how quickly it is as itbuffers into our programming. we're there! this is awesome! and now, for the freefire tv stick giveaway. come on into my laptopfor the free giveaway using two buddies pick a winner tool. today's random subscriber and commentor
with their notificationsturned on is cheyenne. congratulations, you just wona free fire tv email support at mattsdailydeals.comand i'll hook you up. yes! you've won! woohoo! and i wanna mention, the free ipad airs, they're returning too, so ifyou are not yet subscribed, turn your notifications on.
get ready. you can be in the winning very soon. my question today: how much are you paying for your cable orsatellite bill, and if not, have you cut the cord? i cut the cord 10 yearsago; i haven't looked back, but for some of us, it'snot always an option. or maybe today it is. i wanna hear from you;we read all the comments.
if there's anything elseyou wanna save money on, let me know. i will see you soon. i got more huge dealsright around the corner. thank you so much for watching. want to win an awesomeitem i test for free? it's simple: subscribe. turn your notifications on. on a desktop, it looks like this.
once your notifications areturned on for your desktop, or on a mobile platformwhere it looks like this. if you hear me call your name,
you get that itemdelivered to you for free. for those of you who wannabuy any of my hot deals, expand the description boxright under the video window. all the links you need are right there.